Diva Against The World

60 4 0

(Arc 2 - Diva vs the World)

"Phew" I breathed out.

Moving that fast was difficult even with the body modifications I had.

Now that all the bodies had hit the ground, it was quiet. It seems the villagers had already run away. Leaving no witnesses of my massacre.

However, it would be troublesome if the area stayed like this. Thankfully, Glados already sent her lackeys and they were disassembling the police cars and taking care of the bodies.

I turned back and returned to the facility. I had earned a little bit of time but this wouldn't last for long. I assume several governments have already pinpointed my location. Maybe that gigantic portal to the moon wasn't such a good idea huh...

Nah, who am I kidding? I was already starting to get bored. Now I can enjoy some nice action!

I giggled, I could already feel Glados' gaze upon me...

"What?" I asked turning towards the white-haired android.

"Nothing." she replied without an expression.

She is silently judging me, isn't she?

Anyway, now that I dealt with the intruders and some defenses were in place, I have a bit of time for other things.

I walked towards a white room with an operation bed and lay down.

We already discussed this with Glados and she accepted (was forced) to implant this Psychic Advanced Bionic Eye onto me. I worked on it from time to time and finally finished it after we acquired moon dust.

I felt a slight sting in my right arm. What? As if I would have surgery done on me while I am awake... The last time was already painful enough and this would be even worse!

I can see metallic extension arms moving above me as my consciousness fades.


*Ghasp* I suddenly woke up. Breathing heavily.

I was laid on the operation table with a headband on my face.

Right beside me, I could see Glados' android body.

"Operation successful. I have successfully connected the implant to your neurons." she spoke calmly.

I slowly picked up the headband and lifted it from my face.

My vision was a bit blurry but it was slowly returning.

There was a mirror in the operation room and after a bit of wobbling, I managed to stand in front of it. My right eye had a neon purple flow and looked slightly whiter than my left eye.

I tried to concentrate on my right, now bionic, eye.

I could feel a slight hot feeling as a holographic screen appeared before my eye.

> Diva Celestive
- Humanoid

> Fiction Tier
- Upper 9-B

> Ideology:
- Supremacist Transhumanist

> Traits:
- Angelic Beauty
- Too Smart
- Psychopath (↓)
- Narcissist
- Asexual

> Stats:
Strength: 27
Agility: 35
Intelligence: 99+
Wisdom: 99+
Stamina: 19
Luck: -
PsyFocus: 10/10
Mana: -

> Psycasts:
- Observe
- Location Skip
- Minor Heal

> Psylink:
- Research
- Battle

> Body Modifications:
- Protective Arm Exo-Armor
- Protective Leg Exo-Armor
- Psychic Advanced Bionic Eye (Right)

> Gear
- Fall Negating Boots
- Nano-Fabric Violet Gloves
- Gauss Rifle
- Pistol

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