Part 6

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Jiang YanLi also had information for Nie HuaiSang. "Your brother has a trusted advisor by the name of Meng Yao?"

"Yes." The younger boy flipped open his fan, and looked at the stylized trees drawn on it as if it was the most fascinating object.

"You can't trust him. Every move he makes is for himself. To improve his standing in life."

"Stems from being a bastard son of a prostitute, I suppose. Or it's a trait he inherited from his bastard of a father. One would think the son of a prostitute would have thicker skin."

"Even if he stabs himself in an apparent suicide attempt, you can be sure he knows exactly where his blade will go. It will look, and be, painful, but not a death sentence for even a non-cultivator."

Nie HuaiSang's eyes narrowed. "That sounds oddly specific. Your source told you he will pretend to kill himself? Why would he do such a thing?"

Jiang YanLi nodded 'yes' to the first question, but didn't know how to answer the second. "A crafty man will take opportunities to remove obstacles in his path. A needy man will go to great lengths to protect those who protect him."

"Interesting," Nie HuaiSang fanned his face slowly. "I will pass on your advice and knowledge. The Nie are grateful for your wisdom and the forewarning."

Jiang watched the Nie heir leave, and sighed. Her next conversation was not going to go as easily. "May I have a word, please?" she asked the Jin heir.

"Do we have things to discuss?" Jin ZiXuan looked perplexed and unsure of himself.

"You have a few half siblings you don't know about." He stiffened, eyes widening in shock that she would bring up such a delicate subject. "I know of three, but I'm sure there are more. Qin Su is your sister. She doesn't know, and doesn't need to know that her mother was raped. Or maybe she does. A girl should know who her parents are. What kind of people they are.

"There is an infant in Mo Village. His mother is ill and will die without proper care. Care your father will not provide, and neither will her family since her child was born outside of any formal arrangements. The boy has the potential to be a good cultivator, but not if he's starved and beaten because of the circumstances of his birth."

"How exactly am I responsible for these people?" Jin ZiXuan hissed. "If I bring them to Koi Tower as my siblings? What will that do to my mother? My father's... tendencies... are hurtful enough without shoving his progeny in her face."

"They are your siblings whether you claim them or not. You have the money to care for them properly, with or without embarrassing your esteemed mother."

"You said there were three?"

"At least three. The third is named Meng Yao, currently an aide to Nie ZongZhu."

"I know of him... his mother worked in a... one of those houses."

"Yes, his mother was a prostitute. Because your father is who he is, Meng Yao does not have a favorable opinion of the man. He will take your father down when given the slightest of chances."

"So I should kill him."

"Murder? No? Maybe? He is loyal to himself first and to those who protect him second. You can either embrace him as a brother and protect him from his antagonists knowing he is a viper who will bite you at his convenience, or treat him as the venomous snake he is."

"That's not a choice, Jiang Guniang."

"Those are the choices you have, Jin Gongzi. Just know that Meng Yao is extremely intelligent and can remember conversations and books verbatim as well as connect random pieces of information to see the larger picture. Under the right circumstances, he would be your greatest asset. Under other circumstances... he will remove his perceived enemies and anyone in his way. Choose wisely."

Jin ZiXuan bowed, as was proper, but looked at her as he had never looked at her before.

Previously, he had looked through her, pretended she wasn't really there. But now? He was looking at her, and listening as if she had something important to say. Was this the beginning of a genuine relationship?

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