Part 22

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Wei WuXian hadn't slept at all that night. Partly because he wasn't sure exactly what had happened. And partly because he wasn't sure what was going to happen after Lan Zhan woke up. He absentmindedly caressed the ribbon twisting around his wrist. I think this means we're engaged. He snorted, amused. Especially after the things we did last night? Isn't that supposed to be reserved for married people? He wasn't a complete prude, or ignorant about sex between men and women; he knew what went on in pleasure houses even before he found himself hiding in one. (He just hadn't ever been a participant with anything other than his hand.) Or ensconced in one of their rooms and face to face with detailed images of men pleasuring each other. Now that was an interesting lesson to learn. It made sense, given the anatomy, but it looked painful.

Sex, in general, seemed like it must be painful for the one being penetrated.... Fingers must be okay, he mused looking at his pointer and middle finger and mentally comparing their circumference to what he had been exposed to the previous evening. Anything larger? He glanced down into his lap. Regardless of his state, he wasn't as well endowed as Lan Zhan. Or the men on the wall. But even with lubrication to ease the way, how could it not hurt?

"Wei Ying... why am I naked?"

"You're the one who stripped down right in front of me because your robes were wet from spilled wine," Wei Ying replied. "I tried to get you to put sleeping robes on. Don't you remember?"

Lan Zhan clutched his head. "It aches. Why do you drink? I remember pretending to drink. I remember one of your women saying something really baudy. I think I took a sip by accident. I don't remember anything else."

Really? Wei Ying wanted to scoff, but Lan Zhan wasn't a liar.... So.... "You should never drink again, then." He paused to scratch his nose. "You really don't remember reading the spring book to me and refusing to let me see the pictures in case I fell in love with one of the men portrayed in it?"

Lan Zhan's gaze zeroed in on the ribbon wrapped around Wei Ying's wrist. "Did I do that?" His ears turned from pale white to a rosy pink to a deep red in the space of a breath.

Wei Ying held up the arm. "This? Yes, you fiend. You tackled me down to the ground, sat on my waist with my right arm pinned under your leg while you tied this on, and told me that I can never look at another person ever again. And not just a look to notice if someone is pretty or interesting. No. You didn't want me looking at another person for any reason! So unreasonable, Lan Zhan. How am I supposed to talk to people if I have to keep my eyes closed? How am I supposed to buy things?"

"I'm sorry," Lan Zhan whispered.

"Sorry? You should be," Wei Ying hmmphed. "In case you're wondering... we're still virgins. But only because I managed to convince you that certain acts were only for married couples! I had to do a lot of fast talking for a while there."

Lan Zhan winced. "I'm sorry. Very sorry." He took a shaking breath. "Is there anything else I should apologize for?"

Wei Ying cocked his head. "You told me lots of things last night.... I suppose there are things you said that you wouldn't have said sober.... Things you, we, did together that I don't know if you are ready to do sober?"

"What did we do?"

"We kissed. And touched. Everywhere. You told me about those rabbits I gave you.... How they're living in some meadow, and your uncle pretends they're wild animals. You told me how happy you are that I know what your ribbons mean. And that you want me to be the only one who will ever touch your ribbon again."

"What did you say to that?" Lan Zhan's face was buried in between his bare knees.

"I said... I want to be the only one to touch your ribbon. That I want to be the only one you look at, too.... That I love the way your hands feel on my skin. That I love the way your body feels in my hands. I love seeing the faces you make when you can't control yourself anymore."

"What did I say to that?"

"You said you love me." Lan Zhan's head whipped up, face shocked. "I said I love you, too." Wei Ying leaned over to press a light kiss against his love's mouth. "I love you, Lan Zhan."

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