Part 13

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Jiang YanLi briefly visited the injured Jin disciple to ensure he was recovering from his ordeal before looking for Wei WuXian to say goodbye and to take care. She found both him and Lan WangJi near the Jiang kitchen packing food into qiankun pouches.

Wei WuXian was serious as he packed. "Lan Zhan... you really will have to change into normal clothing before we leave. If you go out like that, everyone will know you're a Lan disciple."


"And that means removing your forehead ribbon, too. Do you want me to carry it for you?" The younger boy smiled widely at his friend. Jiang YanLi could detect no trace of embarrassment in his visage.


Oh, no you don't. Jiang YanLi had received several letters from her youngest brother while they were at Cloud Recesses. Including a note about what those ribbons meant. Given that Wei WuXian was not embarrassed to carry one meant he had not paid attention during that part of the lectures. "Lan Er Gongzi? May I have a moment of your time?"

The younger jade left his packing to stand before her. "Lan Er Gongzi. You will not be giving Wei WuXian your ribbon," she informed him quietly so her brother wouldn't hear. "I know what it means." She noticed the jade's ears reddening, and felt her own face flushing as well, but she soldiered on. "XianXian doesn't know what it means. I won't have him taking your ribbon until and unless he fully agrees with everything it implies."

"Wei Ying has copied our rules many times. Listened to Shifu discuss the rules many times."

She cocked her head at the jade. "What makes you think he was paying attention to any of that? If a lecture is not something he's interested in, he's not going to listen. he might pretend to listen if the consequences for not are dire enough. Also, my little brother would not spend his time copying three thousand rules and read what he's copying. I suspect he just looked at the next character and wrote it down.

"Look at him, Lan Er Gongzi? Does he have the countenance of a man who knows that carrying your ribbon for him is basically a symbol of your engagement? If this ends up being something you both want, I won't stop him. I will negotiate the betrothal contract with your brother. I will support him even in the face of my parents' disapproval and A'Cheng's teasing. If, Lan WangJi, if marriage with you is something he chooses freely. Until then?" She made her face look as stern as possible. "Until then you will keep your ribbon to yourself. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Jiang Guniang."

"You may call me LiJie, if you wish."

"Yes, LiJie." Lan WangJi's ears were nearly apple red.

"Have a safe trip," she cautioned. "Don't let him get in too much trouble."

"I promise, LiJie."

"Good boy." She nodded, satisfied that the younger Lan would keep his word. He might seduce her brother along the way, but.... Looking at Wei WuXian's face as the jade returned to his side, she didn't think Lan WangJi would have to try all that much to get exactly what he wanted.

She walked away, mentally adding another line in her never ending to-do list: discuss marriage arrangements with Lan ZongZhu.

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