Part 25

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War was exhausting. And she was safe at the fringes. Worry overtook her every waking moment. Were her brothers all right? Were her parents all right?

With each report that came in detailing the losses inflicted on Wen Xu's and Wen Chao's armies, she sighed in relief.

With each report that came in detailing her own troop's losses, she wanted to cry. These were her soldiers, fighting under her orders. And they died following her orders.

Meng Yao's assurances that her troops' losses were at an acceptable rate did nothing to ease her pain and sorrow. "These are people, Meng Yao," she'd remind him. "With families and loved ones who need them alive. They followed their sect's or clan's heirs to war and.... I've sent them to their deaths."

"The enemy are also people who probably have families and loved ones. With few exceptions, the Wen cultivators also merely followed their sect's heirs to war. There is little difference between our soldiers and theirs."

"You're a horrible man, Meng Yao," Jiang YanLi pouted. He merely blinked at her in response.

Then came the night Yu FangSu listened to a butterfly message and her face went white. "Lotus Pier is under attack."

Messages flew in and out almost constantly.

The town was burned to the ground by a small advance group in the middle of the night. The civilians had already been relocated elsewhere upstream. Wen Chao's forces were split, approximately half approached Lotus Pier from the ground, and the other half via boats and barges. The Jiang disciples were prepared, and destroyed the vessels before they even reached land. Out of the thousands on the boats, perhaps a quarter survived the initial attack; it was unknown if those who were seen struggling against the river's current were strong enough to swim to safety.

Night became day, and the fighting continued.

A message: Yu ZiYuan is fighting Wen ZhuLiu.

A message: the Jin have attacked the Wen rear guard. The Wen are now fighting on two fronts. Jin ZiXuan leads the attack.

A message: Wen ZhuLiu is defeated. Yu ZiYuan is severely wounded.

A message: Jiang FengMian is severely wounded. He is not expected to live.

Night was falling when the next important message came in: Jiang WanYin, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi have entered Lotus Pier.

A message: Wen Chao is dead. Captured by Wei WuXian. Executed by Jiang WanYin.

A message: Jiang FengMian is dead. Yu ZiYuan's condition is still critical.

As midnight approached: the remaining Wen have surrendered.

Jiang YanLi collapsed, finally allowing her emotions to be felt. "A'Die!" she cried out. "A'Niang!"

Yu FangSu was exhausted from receiving, reporting, and sending out butterflies for more than a day. "Compose yourself," she scolded. "You can grieve when the war is over."

Meng Yao put an arm around his leader's shaking shoulders. "Let her be. Not everyone is as heartless as you."



"Stop. Please." Jiang YanLi wiped at her face. "Jin Furen is right. There is too much to do. I cannot afford to grieve."

"Jin Furen is wrong," Meng Yao snapped. "Come, Jiang Guniang. I'll help you to your tent. Rest. Cry. Grieve. If there's an emergency, I'll send for you. Otherwise, take the rest of tonight and tomorrow. Grieve now, so you can be strong for what's coming next."

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