05. Ache

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||Lynna's P

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||Lynna's P.O.V||

School was hell for me. Absolute torture. I guess I was being a tad bit dramatic. The truth is- Edward Cullen was making it hell for me. Aside from his constant glaring and rude remarks, school was tolerable. Edward Cullen didn't speak to me for the most part, but when he did, he was the furthest thing from friendly. He was hateful and brooding and just an all-around jerk.

His sister, Alice, was wonderful though. She and I were getting along great. I had a feeling we would become close friends in the future. And Emmett was hilarious. It was hard to be in a bad mood around him with his joyful demeanor. Clearly, Edward Cullen's bad attitude hadn't rubbed off on his adopted siblings. Alice had mentioned to me that they were all adopted. The only ones that were related were Rosalie and Jasper Hale; they were twins. I knew Alice and Jasper were together and so were Emmett and Rosalie. They received a few judgmental stares from several students due to the situation. Many of them thought it was weird that they were dating each other while living under the same roof.

"That's a sure-fire way to ensure teen pregnancy." Ashley Tipton whispered to Natasha Bellamy during study hall on Friday.

They were both on the cheerleading team. Ashley was the captain, leading the rest of the squad with an iron fist and steely stares. No one messed with Ashley. Natasha nodded in agreement before they both snickered to themselves.

I narrowed my eyes in their direction. As if they had the right to judge anyone. I shook my head in annoyance before I turned my attention back to my chemistry notes. Noah and Paige were sitting across from me. They were, per usual, passing a note back and forth. Every once in a while, Paige would sign something to him. When she did, his entire face lit up like a Christmas tree. The sight warmed my heart.

All of a sudden, I felt his burning eyes on me causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. He hadn't said a word to me all day- not even to make a snide remark. I refused to make eye contact with the rude boy as I forced myself to focus on my studies.

"Hey, girlie." Alice grinned as she sat down in the chair beside me.

She was hand in hand with Jasper, who quickly sunk into the seat next to his girlfriend. He offered me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey." I smiled back at the both of them.

She placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her hands. "So, are you going to the bonfire Saturday?"

I was quick to shake my head. "No. I don't.. fare well with.. fires."

I shuddered at the memory. To my dismay, the brooding Edward Cullen casually sat down in the empty seat to my right.

||3rd P.O.V||

Edward wasn't sure what possessed him to sit next to the human girl. His curiosity, perhaps? Did he want to feel included in the private conversation? Or maybe he just wanted to make her feel uncomfortable? Lynna stared at him with fire dancing in her blue orbs and a frown playing on her lips.

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