37. The More The Merrier

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||Lynna's P

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||Lynna's P.O.V.||

I was genuinely surprised as to how well the whole 'just friends' thing was working out with Edward. Granted, it had only been two days, but I was still feeling hopeful. Did my heart clench in my chest every time I so much as looked at him? Of course, it did. But I was telling myself that this was for the best. Has it been a conscious struggle not to leave my bedroom window open at night hoping that he would climb through? Yes, it has. But this was all part of the healing process.

I was well aware how difficult it could be to be friends with an ex, but Edward wasn't.. an ex. We were never official. We were.. friends who kissed each other on occasion. We were.. friends who held each other at night. We were.. friends who watched every episode of SpongeBob together in a bid to distract ourselves from the growing sexual tension. We were.. friends who looked at each other a little too long be 'just friends'. But now.. That's exactly what we are. Just friends.

I released a shaky breath at the thought before walking into Chemistry. History with my three favorite Cullens had been uneventful. I was one of the last students to spill into the classroom and Edward was.. the very last. There was a time when we were the first to arrive to the empty classroom.

My heart was in my throat when I saw that Edward was already seated at our desk, staring blankly straight ahead. I stood in the doorway like a fool, collecting my thoughts before I casually strode towards him and sat down. His entire body stiffened; the whites of his knuckles were visible due to how fiercely he was clenching his fists.

"Hi," I greeted him, smiling softly.

When he looked at me, I could see the hesitation in his eyes. Instead of returning the greeting, he said, "We're going to have to get started on the Chemistry project."

My brows flew up my forehead. Mr. Wallace had assigned us as partners for an upcoming project before our non-breakup/breakup. A blush crept to my cheeks under his unwavering gaze.

"Um.." I cleared my throat anxiously. "Right.." I diverted my eyes from his, choosing to stare at the grainy wooden desk. "When's that due again?"

"Next week," he stated dully.

My stomach churned at the thought of actually being 'alone' with him again. Seeing him in a school setting is one thing... But having him in my bedroom? Sounded like a recipe for disaster to me. I wringed my hands in a nervous manner, continuing to avoid his intense gaze.

"Well, we should pick a topic." My eyes flitted to his, feigning confidence as I continued, "Then, we can split the research load. You can send me your half and I'll make it cohesive."

He sighed, his shoulders slumping forward. "What you're saying is.. You don't want to actually work on the project together."

I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly, resembling a dying fish. My cheeks heated up even further, much to my dismay. "I never said that."

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