12. White Rose

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(Edward's P.O.V)

It wasn't difficult to sift through Dustin's thoughts to figure out the location of the home that he shares with Lynna. I pulled up to a two-story white house with red shutters and a vibrant red door that matched. There was a greenhouse in the back. I could smell an arrangement of flowers in the air, so I knew that there was, no doubt, a beautiful garden in the back yard that was encased within a white picket fence.

Trimmed hedges lined the house. There was a welcome mat at the front door, along with two rocking chairs and a porch swing. The American Dream, I thought ruefully before I knocked on the door.

I heard shuffling from inside the home, along with the thoughts of two very different people, it would seem. One mind seemed to be kind and gentle, almost hushed like Lynna's, while the other was chaotic and loud. The woman's thoughts were the loudest I had ever encountered to date.

A strange feeling coursed through me as I heard the woman approaching the door. I was.. nervous? I wanted to make a good impression. Why? - I hadn't the slightest idea. I automatically stood up straighter and plastered a soft smile on my face.

A woman in her late thirties opened the door. She had medium length blonde hair with unruly waves that instantly reminded me of Lynna's, aside from Lynna's being much longer. Their similarities ended there. The woman's eyes were bright and vibrant as she took me in.

Holy shit, she thought. If only I was twenty years younger.

"Hello," she greeted me with a toothy smile. "And who might you be?"

He's even better looking than Grayson which is saying a lot. Lynna sure knows how to pick em. Her thoughts rang out.

I couldn't help but feel a bit smug at her comment, although I was sure Lynna would disagree. But, then again, he did cheat on her, so perhaps her sun no longer rises and sets with him. Not that it mattered, of course. I didn't care either way.

"I'm Edward Cullen. A classmate of Lynna's. It's a pleasure to meet you," I spoke in a smooth voice.

Her smile grew if that were possible. "Oh. I'm Christie. Her mom. Come on in." She gestured for me to step through the threshold which I eagerly did.

The second I stepped into the home, Lynna's delectable scent washed over me. It hung like a thick curtain in the atmosphere, overpowering everything else. My eyes scanned along the walls at the photos. There were many pictures of Lynna and Dustin in their childhood scattered about. Lynna's hair used to be much lighter; it was so blonde, that it was white. There was a photo of her dressed as a genie at around the age of five; Dustin was dressed up as Superman in the photo, both posing with innocent grins.

My eyes flickered over to a woman appearing to be no older than fifty who was sitting on the couch with kind eyes that were the exact same shade of blue as Lynna's. Their features were almost identical, aside from the woman's faint wrinkles around her eyes and her light auburn hair. I was guessing this was her grandmother, though she looked much too young to be so.

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