33. Rejection

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||Lynna's P.O.V.||

When I got out of the shower and walked into my bedroom, I was surprised and delighted to see that Edward was already sitting on my bed and wearing his usual crooked grin that caused my heart to skip a beat.

"Hey," I greeted him with a smile before sitting down next to him.

He was quick to wrap his arms around me and press his lips firmly against mine. I kissed him back urgently, longing to deepen the kiss. I tangled my hands in his hair and tugged forcefully, earning a satisfied groan from him. The erotic sound caused desire to course through me and settle between my legs. I moaned against his lips, my hands moving from his hair to his shoulders where I gripped firmly.

My entire body was on fire as he kissed me back with a hunger that had my heat aching for him. Per usual, he pulled away- breaking the kiss as he continued to pant with desire. The electricity continued to hum between us which was almost impossible to ignore.

"It's getting harder and harder to kiss you," he admitted in low, rough voice that still somehow managed to sound like velvet.

"Why is that?" I wondered, staring at his perfectly-shaped lips longingly.

I wanted him to kiss every square inch of my body. My body desperately yearned for his touch. The desire was enough to drive me to insanity- Knowing that he would never satisfy the hunger that I felt for him. His midnight eyes burned into mine with an intensity that caused a delicious shiver to travel down my spine.

"Because it's getting harder to pull away," he growled in an animalistic manner.

The sound left me breathless- My core begging for release. My raging hormones blinded me to rationality. I had no control as I leapt into his lap, wrapping my legs around him in a vice-like grip. I felt him stiffen beneath me, his brows flying up his forehead in surprise. I paid no mind to his shocked expression as my lips found their way to his neck, where they trailed along his stone-like flesh. His chest rumbled, causing another animalistic growl to escape his throat. I moaned in response before crashing my lips against his. His hands gripped my hips tightly; I could tell by the force of his grip and the way his lips moved against mine that he was at his wits end. I felt him fill with desire beneath me; his hardened bulge strained against his jeans, pressing against my heat. I started moving my hips against his, rocking back and forth, desperate for the motion-Digging his erection against my center, moaning as the friction set my entire body on fire. He released a throaty moan before his tongue darted into my mouth; I gasped out of pleasure when he started bucking his hips against mine. I could feel a pressure growing within me, causing the edges of my vision to be tainted black. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as it pounded against my ribcage like a drum. My ragged breaths matched his as we continued grinding against each other; I was dying to get closer to him.

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