08. Memorial

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||3rd P

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||3rd P.O.V||

"It's nice to meet you, Meredith," Lynna said with a smile as she shook the woman's outstretched hand.

Noah's father, Brian, snaked an arm around the woman's waist and beamed from ear to ear. Meredith had long sandy-colored hair that fell down to her waist. Her hazel eyes lit up with a smile, highlighting the subtle laugh lines around her eyes.

"You too. I'm glad I finally get to meet everyone. I've heard so much about you," she spoke before her eyes flickered to Noah who was sporting a scowl.

"Do you know how to sign?" Lynna asked the woman, signing as she spoke.

"I don't, but I'm trying to learn," she admitted with a bashful smile.

Noah's little sister, Sadie, squealed as she ran towards Lynna and threw her five-year-old self into the blonde's arms, who hugged her back enthusiastically.

"I've missed you SO much, Say-Say!" Lynna grinned.

"Me too," the five-year-old smiled back, revealing two missing front teeth. "This is Meredith. She's going to be my new mommy," Sadie spoke gleefully as she signed, causing both Meredith and Brian to bashfully blush.

Noah's scowl deepened, which wasn't missed by Lynna.


Lynna's brother, Dustin, arrived and swiftly found his sister who was sitting on the marble bench overlooking the artificial pond. String lights had been strung up, decorating the trees and entertainment area. Friends and acquaintances of Grayson's had showed up in droves. It was a much bigger event than Lynna had anticipated. Noah was seated beside her, his arm draped across her shoulders in comfort. Dustin sat down in the empty space next to her.

"How you holding up?" He asked his sister with a cautious smile.

"I'm holding." She returned his smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

The gathered bodies in the large yard were laughing and cutting up. Lynna was suddenly overcome by a strange sense of déjà vu. Rambunctious giggling came from behind her as the smell of smoke engulfed her. Her head swiveled to see a large group of guys getting a fire started. The vision!

As if on cue, her eyes glazed over as the vision took hold. Noah and Dustin both hovered over her in worry. The vision of Ashley, lying lifeless on the forest floor, played in her mind once again. But this time it felt different; it felt certain- as if the vision was set in stone.

When she came to, she was panting with panic. She grabbed Dustin by his arm and looked at Noah with horror-filled eyes.

"Ashley!" She managed to squeak out.

In a heartbeat, she was weaving through the crowd with Dustin and Noah following her footsteps, as she looked for a familiar head of fiery red hair. Lynna's breathing and heartrate picked up; she was practically hyperventilating as she continued scouring the crowd. Tyler spotted the frantic psychic and rushed over to her.

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