28. Ominous

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(Lynna's P

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(Lynna's P.O.V.)

When I awoke that morning, my hands immediately flew to my lips that were still tingling from last night. Edward had kissed me-Again. And again. And again. I sat up in bed and ran a hand through my hair; the smile couldn't be wiped from my face despite being met with tangles. I hurried to get ready for school, feeling giddy and eager to see him again. I couldn't help but feel silly due to the fact, but I didn't question it. Mainly because I didn't want to.

When I rushed downstairs, my chipper mood wasn't missed by Mamaw. She quirked a brow, looking up from reading her book to study me.

"You look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed," she commented with a small smile, peering over her reading glasses to get a good look at me. "I can tell you're in a hurry, but you need to take time to eat breakfast before you leave."

I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. Who would have thought... Edward Cullen, the brooding boy who I believed I loathed, was the very one responsible for the butterflies that were fluttering about in my stomach. I opened the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice, feeling far too jittery and nervous to stomach anything substantial.

"I'm not hungry," I said to her. "I'll get something at school."

That was a lie and she knew it, but she also knew better than to call me out on it. She knew it would do no good. She frowned her disapproval before turning back to her book.

"Dustin doesn't need a ride today," she said to me. "He and Jarrod have already left."

Jarrod was the drummer in my brother's band. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Why did they so leave so early?" I wondered aloud.

"Something about band rehearsal," she muttered. "But it's hard telling."


When I walked into school, my heart was beating unevenly- If Alice or Emmett or hear, they might think I have an abnormal heart rhythm or something. I was in such a rush to get to History that I nearly knocked a very confused Noah to the floor as I turned from my locker.

I'm sorry, I signed to him with an apologetic smile.

It's okay. What's the rush though? You still have like fifteen minutes before class, he commented with a quirked brow.

I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. I just want to go over some notes. Are you able to come to the fundraiser this weekend? I was hoping to change the subject.

He nodded. Yes. Paige is all for saving the animals. I'm having a hard time talking her into the sexy carwash though. His mouth twisted into a teasing grin.

I breathed out a laugh. I'll talk to her about it. Work my magic.

He smiled in response. I watched as his eyes lit up when Paige rounded the corner. I offered her a friendly wave that she was quick to return.

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