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You can skip this part if you are only interested in reading the story: Chapter 1 is Labeled as: Chapter 1 - Rebirth of a Warrior 

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There are some words strictly created for the purpose of this story. Here is a key if you get confused. The beginning of new chapters will also have small dictionaries. By the word you will see, "Ch.3, Ch.5..." This is the first chapter the word is introduced in. It's more for those who forget a word that is used since some words are specific to this story alone. 

I would highly recommend only reading this if you are confused later on. For example, if you forget a word. Only because there are, SPOILERS in the DICTIONARY.  

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The Lore of Lazuli - Dictionary

(Ch.1) Phoenix: A majestic bird with red and gold feathers and a golden halo. The phoenix reflects so much light that it seems to emit rays like the Sun.

(Ch.3) Meleuna - The planet the meleunians lived on.

(Ch.3) Meleunaians - The people in the story.

(Ch.7) Elea - In replacement for the word God. Elea is a form of "God," in a sense. As you read more, you will learn more about, "Elea." For example, "Oh my Elea," or "In Elea's name," would be "Oh my God," or "In God's Name."

(Ch.8) Noresa: This is one of the Regions. There are many unique regions that belond in this story and Noresa is the one where the town of Finity is located.

(Ch.8) Mer: Mer is short for Mermaid.

(Ch.8) Water-Witch: An insulting name, in reference to Mer. Melunian's may refer to Mermaid/Mer "Water-Witches."

(Ch.8) Melu: Short for Melunian. 

((Don't forget to leave **Votes** at the end of each chapter if you enjoyed them. <3))

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