Chapter 8 - Friend of the Noresa Sea

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Noresa: This is one of the Regions. There are many unique regions that belond in this story and Noresa is the one where the town of Finity is located. 
Mer: Mer is short for Mermaid. 
Water-Witch: An insulting name, in reference to Mer. Melunian's may refer to Mermaid/Mer "Water-Witches." 
Melu: Short for Melunian. 

In an instant, Alina's body tensed as she recollected herself. "Who are you," she blurted out, taking a step back. Her voice quivered with fear and nervousness.

"Me?" The creature giggled, and her laughter was like chirping birds. The creature rested her hands on her cheeks and gave Alina a keen look. "My name is Serenity, and yours is?"

Eren drew his sword instantaneously. "A water witch, get away!" A worried expression etched to his face. Alina saw the fear in his stance, and it made her heart beat faster.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not 'water witch,' as you say, handsome little melu." Serenity giggled with more of a simple harmonious tune.

"Well, keep your distance... water-whatever you are." Eren scowled.

"Hmph, fine," she said, swimming a bit away from them. "Now answer my question, pretty melu lady. What's your name?"

"My name is Alina. Now it's my turn to ask. What are you doing in the water? Aren't you a Melunian?"

The creature giggled, and in the light of the setting sun, her tail glowed with neon purple marks. She swam around, showing off her tail, which made Alina step back in confusion, Eren too, jumped a bit, and his frown grew deeper.

"You Melunians are frightened easily." Serenity giggled again.
"Water-Witch!" Eren shouted back.
"Oh, hush pretty boy," she hissed. "I'm no water-witch! I'm a mermaid!"

"How long have you been down here," Alina chimed in.

"Hmm..." The mermaid looked down at her fingers, counting slowly. "98...99...100...150..." She paused and shrugged, "My whole life basically,"

"I've never seen a mermaid. You are very..."

Serenity interrupted, "Ugly? Creepy? Scaly? Vicious? Scary?" She spun around, her tail flipping up and down, and her claws acting fierce as if to attack Alina. "I'm used to hearing that from your kind."

Alina shook her head in disagreement. "You are beautiful, like nothing I've ever seen. Very interesting as well. Your aura is alluring. "

The mermaid spun around, eyeing Alina with a mix of gratitude and danger. But then, her behavior changed, and she giggled, her voice hoarse with joy. "You Melunian's are strange. Your guard is kinda silly too." Her statement received a scowl from Eren. "Now It's my turn again. Who might you be?"

"I already told you my name, didn't I" Alina's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, but that's not what I'm asking. I want to know who you are. You act like a weird Melu, if that's really what you are. Melu's all run when they see, Mer, like me! Why ain't chya!" She glared at Alina, her eyes piercing through her like daggers. She rolled her eyes with annoyance and tapped her tail impatiently.

"I am not afraid of you." Alina smiled, but the mermaid hissed, her scales shimmering in the sunlight glaringly.

"You aren't afraid, what? Am I not scary enough?" She hissed with a venomous tone, her voice echoing through the water.

"Why should I be scared? You are no threat to me, you are in the ocean. Plus, I assume if you were going to do something, you would have done it already." Eren eyed Alina as well as the Mer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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