Chapter 5 - Missing Person

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((Note: Don't forget to VOTE this chapter if you enjoyed it so far <3))

Warning: The following chapter contains content that may be a disturbing for some readers. Reader's discretion is advised. 
-Following Topic: Abduction

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The sun was high above, its rays hugging the land and seething over the bodies of the few who dare stay outside. Alina had a hoe in her hand and was tiling over several of the other wilted plots of land. All around the blessed field was the brown earth; dried and dusty. Sweat was dripping down Alina's forehead as she threw the hoe out in front once again in this dried land.

Eren was sitting behind her with a stern expression and then he got up. "It seems you are having trouble replicating the magic you once used."

Alina stopped for a moment, and without a glance, she continued. "I-I'm sorry,"

"Look," Eren took a step, and roughly took the hoe out of her hands. "What you did was a blessing, M'lady. Even if you can't replicate it again, you still have done more for this land than we've been able to in months." He sighed and watched Alina's desperate attempts to take the hoe back. With a scowl, he put a hand on her shoulder "Alina, are you even listening."

To which she put her hands behind her back, nervously.

He scanned over her, "You've been working hard this past week, why don't you take a break."

"But, there is no time!" Alina flailed her arms to the sky. "T-There is so much work to do, and not much time left to do it."

"You've been at it for days non-stop," Eren started walking back to the shed. "Please, rest."

She stared intently at the dirt as if there was still hope for something to burst out of the ground, yet it never happened. With a sigh, she followed Eren. "I... I don't want to take a rest. Everyone is working hard, except me. I have been here in this same field for what seems like forever.

"Alina, you have done so much for the sake of this village. Why, I don't understand why you are so " Eren dropped the hoe and his body quickly turned back. Alina quickly jolted behind her as they both heard Asher's heavy breathing approaching them.
"Eren!" Asher yelled out.

"Calm down," Eren called out to him. "Asher, what's wrong?"

"Sage, she's... she..." Asher took a deep breath, and his brows furrowed together as the sweat trickled down his face. "Edgar has reported his wife's absence. She hasn't been seen all morning or afternoon. Should I send out a search party?"

"Yes, we must." Eren nodded, "Where was she last seen?"

Asher point's farther away, "Back yonder, near the end of the road. "What if we don't find her in time? There will be no one left to protect the village."

Eren began pacing nervously, "We have to find her no matter what. We cannot leave anyone behind." His eyes darted back to Asher, unable to stop fidgeting.

Alina walked up behind him and put a hand on Eren's shoulder, an intense stare, one with furrowed eyebrows, and dilated pupils. "I'll go look for her too."

Eren's breath seemed to have slowed a bit more calmly, but both Asher and Eren exchanged surprised glances before Eren replied, "We can't risk it. It's dangerous out there. We need all the help we can get to recruit more people to search."

"We should begin to head out, there isn't much time left until sunset," Asher pointed out.

"Mhm, you are right," Eren turned back and to her surprise, his blue eyes widened with concern. Peering down into Alina's, and with a soft whisper he spoke, "Get some rest, my lady."

Alina felt a chill in her body. Eren's tone wasn't gentle or rough, more of a warning, a command almost. Once Asher and Eren were out of sight, Alina turned back towards the direction they last saw Sage.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to get hurt."

Alina took a deep breath and her gaze fixed intently on the woods ahead. She slipped into the brush, feeling the rough texture of the overgrown foliage against the backs of her legs. She inhaled deeply, taking in the musty aroma of wet dirt and recently fallen leaves, while the surrounding wind slid across at her skin likecool, bony fingers.

Despite the warning twinges of her intuition, Alina refused to waver, her heart set on the task ahead. Shadows lurked everywhere, and the trees towered ominously above her, twisting their knobby branches as if pointing the way toward ominous doom. She began to forge forward with a silent determination.

As she walked deeper into the woods, her heart pounded faster and faster, echoing loudly in her ears. The sense of urgency was palpable, and every second felt like an eternity. She moved with the stealth of a prowling cat, every sense honed in on her surroundings in anticipation of the unexpected. The wind seemed to grow more intense, whistling past her ears with a haunting mournfulness.

She had to find the Sage. As she walked, she kept her eyes and ears open for any sign of movement or sound. She could feel her heart beating faster with each step she took. Suddenly, she heard a faint cry for help. Without hesitation, she ran towards the sound. Than, a faint cry for help reached closer. Alina's heart rate increased, and her senses sharpened even further. The edges of her vision blurred and narrowed to a single point of laser focus. She moved forward like a specter, her eyes scanning every inch of the woods for any inkling of Sage. The dense darkness seemed to thicken, twisting around her like a sinister, smoky mist. Every step felt like a risk, sending a shiver down her spine, while every breath felt like a warning. She felt the powerful urge to turn back, to flee from the danger that lay ahead, but the cry for help forced her to keep pushing forward.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Alina caught a glimpse of movement. She spun on her heel and found herself face to face with a dangerous-looking bandit, his crazed eyes burning with malice. He brandished a gleaming dagger menacingly toward her, his twisted mouth curling into a feral sneer.

In a low, guttural voice, he said, "Yar' shouldn't be here all alone. Follow me, or suffer the consequences."

Alina's heart was a fist in her chest, beating wildly against her ribcage. His words sent shivers down her spine, and her voice cracked as she responded.

"I can't. I have to find the missing girl," she stammered.

The bandit stepped closer to her, his dagger glinting in her vision. "I said follow me," he growled. "Or suffer the consequences."

Alina felt her resolve harden like steel. She had come too far to be intimidated or threatened by anyone, no matter how dangerous they appeared. Her eyes blazed with an unyielding fire. She couldn't be out for too long or everyone would be in danger.

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I hope you enjoyed the fifth chapter of The Lord of Lazuli. Don't forget to leave a VOTE if you enjoyed <3 It means a lot. There will be a new chapter tomorrow since this one is short, then chapters will continue to be published on Fridays, as per usual. Be careful out there! This world is a scary place, make sure to take protective and precautious measures so you don't become a victim of a kidnapping.  I know there are many stories on here about, "The Alpha who Kidnapped me..." or something along the lines of, "The rich Mafia boss kidnapped me..." I can guarantee that you will not find romance from your kidnapper, like the protagonist of these romance stories. Even Beauty and the Beast has a similar storyline. The girl who is kidnapped, and she found romance with her kidnapper, and they lived happily ever after. 

While these stories are interesting to read, they are still just stories, and you need to be extra careful out there <3 Mwah <3 

If you have any fan-mail or want to chat about the story, etc... You can also add my discord! (It's in my bio.) Have a lovely weekend <3. Stay safe, and healthy. For those who are in school right now, make sure to study hard <3 

(Word Count: 1382)
(Total Words: 7726)

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