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"What do you mean this can't be, Helena?" The Duke uttered, looking at Helena directly which made Helena flinch because of how cold his stare was. Felicia could see that she was trembling as it was unexpected that she let out her thoughts.

What remained a thought should be kept as a thought, nothing else. But this fool, ruined by her excitement had uttered something that ruined her and could be taken advantage of.

"Oh dear," Felicia uttered quietly, watching Helena who was embarrassed and scared at the same time. She remained in her position, looking down as she could not seem to find the right word to defend herself.

"T-Thats right! This can't be happening, Your Grace! What if she had already thrown the evidence away from her? Or she could have given it to someone else? We must continue punishing her!" Tyren said, stuttering as Helena won't budge and talk.

"That's funny, Madame. I was seen in my bed preparing to go to sleep. Olivia was beside me the whole time, helping me to prepare for my rest." Felicia said as she objectified herself, fighting that she wasn't doing anything weird.

Although she did.

"You're a liar! You keep on lying!" Helena roared, glaring at Felicia with tears running down from her eyes. "Daddy... Why don't you believe me? Why won't you believe me? She really did lock me up! If she wasn't then how will I be able to end up in that room?!" Helena added, fighting for her claims which Felicia found very funny.

"You know, Little sister... There's always a thing called self victimization wherein you victimize yourself and it was you who did the crime." Felicia said with a mocking smile on her face that was hidden under her pleasant smile.

"Are you saying that Helena did it on her own?! How shameless can you be for blaming Helena?!" Tyren yelled as she pulled Helena and hugged her. This wench! Can't she understand that Helena had already caught her to begin with?!

"I was only suggesting something, Madame. I am not implying that it was she who locked herself. Only those who are stupid enough would do that." Felicia answered as her lips stretched even more wide, grinning at the Duchess who was being defensive, adding more suspicion and thrill.

The Duke wasn't responding as he was watching how his family clashed every time and tried to blame it on Felicia even though she was docile. There is no sufficient evidence that would point to Felicia that she was the one who locked her up.

Search Helena's room and her body." All of a sudden, the Duke suddenly ordered them to search Helena even though she claimed that it was Felicia who had locked her up. This made everyone gasp at the decision.

"W-what are you implying, my Lord?! Our Helena is innocent! Why are you doing this to her?!" Tyren asked as she tried to hide Helena but Helena, stepped out from her mother's arms.

She smiled proudly, confident that they wouldn't find anything to her. Moreover, the key might still be in Olivia and if it was proven that she doesn't have the key, she will really beg the Duke to punish Felicia—

"I found the key, Your Grace." The maid who was inspecting Helena had found the missing key in one of her pockets made everyone shocked the moment it was revealed that the key they were searching for had been in her all this time.

"N-NO! WHY WAS IT IN ME? I SWEAR, I-I... YOU! YOU PLOTTED THIS TO RUIN ME, DIDN'T YOU?!" Helena said, bursting into anger as she was about to run her way to Felicia and attack her when all of a sudden, knights began to station around her as she was blocked from ever attacking Felicia.

"Your Grace! That cannot happen! It's a scheme! She won't lock herself! My poor baby won't be able to do that!" Tyren yelled, fighting for her daughter as she couldn't believe how the events started to unfold.

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