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"May the Goddess Kartara bless you, Pope," Felicia said as it was the Pope who spoke directly at her. He was staring weirdly at her since earlier and she couldn't help but feel weird and confused. Why would the pope stare at her?

"May the Goddess give you light on your path, little one. I am assuming that you held a significant amount of curiosity about the Goddess. I seem to notice that you're someone new in the palace of the Goddess. Are you related to the Duke and the Duchess of Del Montague?" The pope asked, flashing a beam on his face.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself, Your Holiness. I am the eldest daughter of Duke Roelle David Del Montague, Felicia Vivianne Del Montague. It is an honour to meet you, your Eminence." Felicia greeted as she bowed her head down, curtsied to show her respect towards the Pope.

"Please, in this humble abode of the Goddess, let's not do that at all." The pope said as he held Felicia by the hand and made her stand up, still smiling at her Rachelle couldn't help but think of there's something on her face that she couldn't see.

As Rachelle stares into the Pope's face, the Pope in front of her is not the typical pope he's old and looks fragile compared to others. He's quite young, energetic, special, and handsome.

He doesn't even look like he's ageing at all.

"Is there anything that you would like to ask me? You see, I'm so invested in you that I've caught you staring around, letting your eyes wander even though someone is preaching in front." The pope suddenly said, opening a conversation once again.

"Pardon?" She asked to which the Pope only replied with a chuckle, It seemed like he had woken her up from gawking her eyes into him.

"No, I didn't mean to sound like I am mad that you are not listening at all. Rather, I am glad to see you attentively speculating on every statue inside. In my eyes, you held great admiration and curiosity that you should explore." The pope stated, looking at the Goddess Kartara.

Felicia moves her body, looking at the statue in front of her. "Yes... I do feel like some sort of getting into this vortex as I stare at the statue for too long. It makes me feel like it's absorbing me into an unknown force that I couldn't figure out. There really is something with me." She suddenly said, letting out her frustrations in front of the pope.

The pope stopped and stared at her, his eyes glowed dark while he kept smiling innocently towards Felicia who was fixated upon the statue of the Goddess. His hand uncontrollably reached for her head when all of a sudden, Felicia faced him, enough for the Pope to realize what he was doing.

He then immediately placed his hand on the strand of her hair, tucking it back to her ear and chuckled, trying to avoid any suspicions as he unconsciously reached for her.

"That's because of the great and deep bond the two of you share. You know, everyone is connected to the Goddess, if you decide to turn away from her, she will let you experience how hard it is to live without her. So people in this country have a strong fate over the goddess as she kept us, protecting our country from our enemies." The pope said and retracted his hand away from her face.

Felicia who was surprised because of what he did, nodded her head slowly as if something wasn't written earlier. She felt like she was getting touched and as soon as she turned her head, the Pope sure was about to choke her.

"Right... must be because of my deep bond with her even though it's the first time that I and the Goddess had actually met," Felicia said, smiling at the pope while Pope's face went dark all of a sudden but suddenly changed into an interesting expression.

"Be sure to keep no evil in your heart so that the Goddess will love you forever." The pope said. "Well then, I hope you learned a lot in today's speech. I expect that the young lady will explore your curiosity." The pope added as he tilted his head, paying respect to Felicia before leaving her in front of the altar, positioned exactly in front of the goddess.

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