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"Mistress... Mistress!" A call so loud that Felicia had woken up from her sleep. She lazily opened her head as her head throbbed like it had its own heartbeat, throbbing inside her skull.

She lacked sleep because of that hideous dream that made her stay awake for hours, trying to calm herself and distract herself.

"What is it?" She muffled, trying to push the pillow above her to use as a shield to her ears as it was getting loud. God, people are sleeping and yet someone else is trying to make a goddamn ruckus early this morning.

"It's an unfortunate news." Olivia suddenly said as she removed the pillow above her head, making Felicia groan in frustration as she wanted to sleep more. Gosh, why do people want to disturb her?

'God... What did I do to be punished like this?' she thought to herself as she then decided to groggily sit up on her bed, look at Olivia with her face screaming that she wasn't happy about her, interrupting her sleep.

"What is it?" She asked Olivia, whose face remained serious yet somewhat... shocked. This made her curious, she looked like she was about to pee her dress but still had control over the flow.

"I don't know how to tell you... But the Duke's mansion is currently under the stress of losing someone." Olivia mumbled, just enough for Felicia to hear what she said. This made her frown with curiosity bombarding her head, perplexed as to why she was acting strange.

"What?" She asked once again. "Olivia, I don't want to ask repeatedly what happened." She even added, fiddling her toes as her anger started to pent up inside her. She was sleeping, she had the right to get mad.

"Uhm..." She let out a hum, contemplating whether to tell her or not. "Well?" Felicia muttered, her hands on her waist, waiting for Olivia to answer as her patience was running out.

"The Duchess... She's... Well, she's."

"She's back?" Just by mentioning the title of that woman, it seems that all of her sleepy behaviour had crawled back to her head, waking her up because of her being surprised over Tyren's coming back.

"So my days of fun have finally ended, huh? To think that she's back... Damn, I haven't enjoyed it to the fullest." Felicia mentioned as she laid down, unconsciously teaching her head as she began to pull her hair from the scalp, stressed as she then began thinking and noticing that it had already been a month since her disappearance after the Duke kicked her out.

And now that she's back, those days where she has to fight with that old lady will finally resurface and everything will turn back to normal, just like what it was before. Goodness, she has come back to run sack her damn mind.

It seems that she's back to haunt terror into her once again.

"She's back," Olivia informed, and then silence began to fill the room. However, it wasn't the typical silence where one has deeply fallen into a state of silence, but rather an awkward one, with a hint of terror in the atmosphere.

There was something that Olivia had left out for her to wonder, making her contemplate the news of Tyren being back to seek revenge on her. There was something else about it.

The way Olivia averts her eyes, and bites her lips as she fiddles with her fingers while her body slowly rocks back and forth, tells Felicia that this girl in front of her is lying and that something still adds to the news.

That's not the only news that she has to brace herself.

Just then, as she was about to ask Olivia to tell her the rest as the information was quite unclear and very dry and lacked more juicy parts, Olivia began to spout words which made her frozen, immobilized on her spot.

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