Chapter 13: Mission Impossible

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I strutted into the great meeting room of our coven. I kept my head high to hide the frayed nerves that were currently killing me. I stopped where I was supposed to and inclined my head slightly in respect.

My mother, the Head Witch of this coven, watched me carefully.

"Alexandra," she spoke my name. Her voice carried through the empty room with authority and purpose. Her face was beautiful, though aged by responsibility and stress. Being the head witch of the coven, as well as a previous Luna, made her look strangely old. But her eyes were still weak and lovely, and the wrinkles made her smile look kinder.

"My daughter."

I bowed my head again.

"There is another mission that needs your attention. You are the most powerful individual in the entire organization. Unfortunately, you are the only one who can accomplish the needed goals."

My curiosity was piqued. A mission that only I could accomplish? Did it involve giving tattoos with a spear for a needle?

"What are the details?" I questioned.

"It has come to our attention that there is war brewing on the horizon. Funds, as well as supplies, are being amassed. Anything that has been going on behind our backs for so long is dangerous. Someone is pulling strings, and the only thing we know is that the result will be devastating for all Supernatural Kinds, and humans by extension. This is the kind of stirring that has the capacity to destroy this entire world and leave it in ashes."

I blinked.

Doesn't this all sound rather far-fetched?

"So then, who is pulling the strings?" I asked. "And who is providing the funds? And where are the armies being recruited? There is no way so many supernaturals were getting into any sort of organization, without us knowing."

"That's the thing," she answered. "There is no army. If there was, we would have found out decades ago. However, something is going on. According to the spies, it includes a genocide. Plans and reports were discovered, detailing the ultimate decimation of the Elves in a single strike. We believe that these people have a weapon that can accomplish such a feat. They have lots of ties too, and clout, if they could amass so much money for it."

Who would have anything against the Elves? All of them?

"Okay, so who owned the plans, where is the money going. Who is behind this all?"

She looked at me, a touch of sympathy in her eyes. My blood ran cold at her next words.

"A vampire."

I staggered back. A headache started up instantly, pounding through my skull. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to remain calm. I hadn't seen Aevran in the five days since he had saved my life, not that I was expecting to. Every mention of vampires just gave me a headache since I didn't know how to feel about him. I groaned.

"I'm sorry, darling, I know you're afraid of vampires. But... you're the only one who can do this with a reasonable chance of success and survival."

"Do what exactly?" I muttered.

"I'm sorry, but the best course of action would be to gather more information on this stir up before they know that we've caught on. I will need you to infiltrate the Vampire Palace."

"What!!" I screamed. "No, Mum! How do you plan to work that out? Those things can kill nearly anything! And we have little or no information about them. We don't know their ranks, their generals, their royal family, their numbers... Mum this is a death trap. Sure I can alter my appearance but then what? Will I steal someone's identity? Or will I just walk in and introduce myself? I don't think I can make myself smell like a vamp either! How—"

"Stop, Lexi! I'm not asking you to go in as a vampire. We have to keep the lies at a minimum so that they're easy to keep up with; like I taught you. Now listen to me. It's all very simple: after ignoring the Vampire race for over a thousand years, the Witches want to reestablish correspondence. Therefore, we will send an ambassador. Three of our witches will go into the vampire fortress under a white flag. They will stay for a period of a few days. During these few days, they will gather as much information as they can on the target of the whole operation."

She produced a thin file and handed it to me. Inside were the scanty details of a vampire named Jacden Heis, coupled with a number of other names and a crude map of the place.

"There's no picture," I complained. "It doesn't tell me his rank or occupation, either. This map must be older than you."

Mum sighed. "That is a list of people who might be connected to him. Memorize their names. You won't be taking that file with you."

"Mum. How am I supposed to find this guy? How do we know the whole palace isn't in the conspiracy? And this is the most inaccurate map I ever saw. I can't believe I'm being sent into the midst of these creatures with just this." I raised the file in my hands.

"Lexi, please don't be difficult," said Mum, her voice soft, pleading. "I have no choice. This must be done, and there is simply no way to get it done without risking your safety. You know I would never do this if I had a choice."

I snapped the file shut, glaring at the floor. The worst of it was that she was correct. Anyone who would, and could, decimate a whole race must be dealt with at once. Before they even emerged. Because after the Elves, would be another race, followed by another and another. War would ensue, and an all-out war among supernaturals would end the would.

"I'm going with Mirabel and Rowan," I muttered sullenly.

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