Chapter 61: Time

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She ripped my hand away from her face. "Don't give me that, Aevran Ice," she snarled. "Don't you dare lie to me."

"It's not a lie—"

"Stop. Get out. I don't want to hear it."


"I said get the hell out of my room!" she yelled. "This may be some twisted joke to you but I promise it's not funny. You are a lot of bad things; you don't have to add liar to the pile."

"Alexa you're not listening. I do love you. It's neither a lie nor a joke. I love you, I love you, I love y—"

She backhanded the shit out of me.

My head snapped to the side, my cheek burning.

"Don't add insult to injury. I know how you feel about me. I just came out of a coma; I get that. I also get that I had a panic attack just a few hours ago. I lost my brother what feels like yesterday. But you really shouldn't tell me such a thing just to make me feel better. Have some shame, Aevran. Sure I probably need help. Therapy, yoga, whatever. But I don't need you to tell me sweet things that will only set me up for heartbreak. Another heartbreak, that is."

I let the dust settle.

"Why is it so hard to accept?" I asked quietly. "We are mates. We already established that we are attracted to each other. We've kissed." I took her hand, drawing unknown shapes on the back of it. "You've been amazing. You've been patient, thoughtful, understanding... you've even given me a daughter. It's impossible for me not to love you. In fact, I was afraid you wouldn't return my feelings."

I felt her eyes burning through me, but I kept mine on her hand.

"How?" she asked, and I hated the crack in her voice. "How am I supposed to believe that you, of all people, would love me? I've always been nothing more than an annoyance or a muse to you. Someone who kept getting into sticky situations, which bothered you because I was your mate. You had to keep coming to save my ass because somehow, you found me a tad bit interesting. But I wasn't to expect anything. Why would I think you would care, after all? You have a kingdom to run, and a fiance, and The Slouch. You found out that I was a witch less than a month ago. As soon as I let people know, I lost my head and committed mass murder the very next day. How was someone like you," she waved at me with her free hand, "supposed to even consider someone like me? I can't even keep myself in check. If it wasn't for this collar, I would have levelled this place during my panic attack. How then am I supposed to help you rule an entire Race?"

"Love works in mysterious ways," I said, gaining possession of her other hand.

"This makes no sense," she reasoned. "I've just killed... how many did I kill? And it took me less than a minute. I'm dangerous."

"Which proves me wrong," I said. "I, who spurned and disparaged my own mate because of what I thought you couldn't do."

"You're not seeing the point," she said. "I'm not fit to be your Queen."

"Yes you are —"

"No, Aevran. I'm not. I can't control my powers. What if I start killing as soon as the collar gets off? Without Tyler here to help me..." she rubbed my hands as her voice trailed off.

"Without Tyler," I continued for her, "you can still be okay. Even if he's gone now, you're not alone. You've never been alone. You have your friends, who have been there for you even when you didn't want them to. You have Kaiden who looks up to you. You have your mom to guide you. And you have me, who loves you more that I ever knew was possible."

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