Chapter 30: Banished

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Dreiga flew with steady wings all through the night. Her dragon form was huge, long, and warm. It had black scales with gold accents. Her gold feline eyes were the only ones that remained the same. Truly a royal beast.

I sat behind Kaiden just as the army prepared for departure.

That was yesterday evening.

Now the scorching sun was overhead. We flew high enough to avoid being spotted by humans. We had stopped once for a meal, but my stomach still twisted like I hadn't eaten in days.

Finally, I yanked on Dreiga's leg, the signal to descend.

She slowed at once, scanning the ground below for a landing place. It felt like hours before she glided and landed gracefully in a clearing in the forest. I helped Kaiden off carefully. She rubbed her sore legs.

"Is this the place? This is your home?" She asked curiously, staring around at the trees.

"Not exactly," I answered. Dreiga folded in on herself as she got smaller and smaller. Soon, she had retrieved her humanoid form. Her skin formed into that black armour she always wore. I was slightly jealous.

"So what is it then?" She asked, panting slightly.

"This is the coven."

I placed my hand on a rock jutting out of the ground. The runes in my forearm glowed dimly, and the cloaking spell let me in.

The woods all around us were suddenly the foyer of the coven. Kaiden and Dreiga gasped.

I led them through the building, heading towards my mother. Witches smiled at me. None asked where I had been or who Dreiga and Kaiden were.

I breezed into the room. Mum sat regally in her chair, robes set just so. Exactly how I had last seen her. She smiled and stood.

"Lexi," she said warmly. She came down the stairs and hugged me. "Welcome back." Her eyes landed on Dreiga and Kaiden, noticing them for the first time. "Where's Rowan?"

"He's with the army," I declared proudly. "Seventy-two high-tier warriors with experience. They are currently taking over a stronghold in northern Russia."

Her gaze lingered on me, pride showing clearly. "You succeeded," she said. "Well done."

I smiled. "Meet Dreiga, the king of Nehush in Ythinca. Dreiga, the Head Witch of the Fourth High Coven here on Earth."

Both bowed. They greeted each other formally. It went better than I expected.

"And who is this, Lexi?" Mum stared at Kaiden.

I smiled at the child, placing my hand on her shoulder. "This is my—"

My mind went blank. Who was she to me? She was definitely more than a child I had chosen to help with her wield. She wasn't exactly a friend. Not a charge either. She was kind of like my—

"Daughter?" I asked her. Her green eyes lit up with joy. A crown of flowers slithered into her hair.

"Yeah. Definitely daughter," I chuckled lovingly. "Her name is Kaiden."

"Hold on what?!" Mum stared unabashedly at her, jaw hanging. I hadn't seen her this shocked in years. "When? I mean, how? Who? How long have you been gone?"

"I'm going to adopt her, Mum," I rolled my eyes.

Her shoulders sagged, and she blushed. "Oh."


"Good work, Lexi," Mum praised some more. After Dreiga and Kaiden had been dismissed for refreshments, Mum had had me describe the army in detail, and she was impressed.

"Thanks," I replied simply.

"There's another thing," she said, nervously chewing her lip. "Lexi, can I... can I ask you for something... sensitive?"

My eyes widened, curious. "Go on."

"Would it be possible to ask you give me the Pearl Sea?"

"Can't," I said, waving a dismissive hand.

"Of course," she said, biting her lip. "You need it to balance yourself. I shouldn't even have asked. You need it more than anyone else."

"I would give it," I said apologetically, "but I can't. It's... not exactly within my reach."

"You lost it?!" she gasped, face paling.

"What, no! I'm not so careless as all that," I said scornfully. "No, of course not. But it's somewhere I can't just get to it and hand it to you. If I could, I would."

It's quite the burden, to be honest. Our stomach feels emptier than a hermit crab's last home, complained my wolf.

I ignored her. "Now can I please have an update on the statistics of this war? You know, like how soon our world is going to fall apart and crumble?"

Her expression fell. "It's not pretty, I'm afraid," she sighed. "All the Werewolf Alphas were summoned to a meeting yesterday at Wolfsbane. They were talking about the war."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, but they're likely to fight. It's not exactly a good option not to, as far as things are. When wielders get pissed, withdrawal is suicide."

"Oh goddess. What about the kids? Logan and Cara?"

"I'm not exactly privy to the defense mechanisms of my enemies, dear."

"Enemies?!" I snarled. "We're family!"

"Lexi. Tyler and I spoke over the phone. We agreed to cut all correspondence with each other. In the face of war, it wouldn't matter that I am his mother. It would only matter that he is an Alpha keeping in touch with a Head Witch. It's ridiculous, but speaking with Tyler is as bad as treason... as is speaking with you."

"Excuse me?!"

"Darling," she sighed. "It's obvious where you're going now that it has come to choosing sides. You are a werewolf— an Alpha Princess at that. You belong with the shifters."

"I'm also a witch— the most powerful one, at that. And you're my family too. I belong with the wielders."

"Lexi. Your brother is a shifter. Your best friend is a shifter. Your niece and nephew are shifters. Your mate is a shifter. Your father was a shifter. And your mother is a wielder. Tell me, is it equal? Can you wield the elements against your pack? Or just your jaws and strength against your mother?"

"I can't believe you're saying this."

"Well you'd better," she said. "What are you going to do, kill selectively, while spending valuable energy on a secret identity spell?"

"I obviously won't kill you," I said.

"Lexi!" she threw up her hands. "That's called aiding and abetting the enemy!"

"The enemy is YOU, Mum!"

"Exactly. Which is why, if and when I am bent on killing your pack, it is your duty to kill me. Do you understand?"

"Why would you? You used to be Luna of that pack."

"Just like I used to be your mistress. Give my grandbabies a kiss for me, will you? Your daughter, too. Tell Tyler I love him, and Cindy to break a leg. The Dragon King and your daughter will be sent to you presently. And—"

"What are you doing, Mum?"

"Saying what might be my last words to you. You are banished from this coven, Lexi dear."

The runes in my arm glowed brightly. I watched in horror as they lifted completely off, swirled in the air, and landed on my mother's throne before disappearing. She smiled as the whole room began to flicker.

"Mum how could you! I can't just leave! You'll be all alone!" I screamed, sobbing outright.

"I'll be just fine."

The forest flickered into view, but not before I saw the tear slip down her face.

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