Chapter 36: Secrets, Annoyance, and More Secrets

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"This place is outrageously cold. I don't understand why we have to be here of all the places in the world! I keep getting wet and Refa has never been grumpier, not that I blame my wolf. She's right! There's too much mud, not to mention the fog."

"Dylan, it's a swamp in Greenland. What did you think it would be like?"

"Not this bad," she grumbled. "You can't even see the stars if you go out."

The flap of the tent was lifted slightly. In front of us was the Wolfsbane Luna. Dylan swallowed.

"Alexandra Payton, Dylan Baylor," she greeted. We saluted. "Come with me, Alexandra."

I stood calmly and nodded at Dylan, who gave me a small wave.

What did the Luna want? The last time we met one on one was when I was robbing her. And she had let me go that time, so what did she want now?

We walked in silence, ignoring the proverbial elephant while the reeds tried and failed to keep mud out of our shoes.

"Why are you still hiding?" she finally said, her tone and presence intimidating despite her small stature.

I was taken aback by the unexpected question. "Hiding from what?" I asked defensively.

"You tell me. You are one of the most powerful mortals I have ever encountered, and yet no one knows it. You are content to hide, to duck your head and let others imagine that they are stronger than you."

My mouth felt dry. I knew she knew my secret, but why was she now talking about it? Was she planning to expose me?

How would that affect this army? Would they implode, rejecting me for being a wielder? How would that affect those who already knew? Would the other shifters turn on them too? Tyler and Cindy, as well as Jayden, Trisha, and Dylan — not to mention myself — would die today. They may even go after Logan and Cara and Kaiden. Maybe Aevran would keep his mouth shut and survive.

"How much do you know about me?" I asked, my voice dangerously low.

"I have done my research. You are the only All-elemental Witch ever documented, you were a trainer in the Fourth High Coven for thirty years, you quit just before coming to join the ranks of the shifters in this war. You were involved in eight multidimensional operations managed by the Fourth High Coven, on the last of which you brought the Dragon, Dreiga, home with you. You have not found your mate yet, but I have heard rumors of a little girl in your custody being sent to the Iron Claw pack among the other young werewolves."

Impressive, but lacking. I did not quit, Dreiga is not the only being I brought home with me, and I have already found my mate, thanks. Now, will you tell? Because you may be important, but to me, your life weighs less than my entire family's.

"Well?" I asked with the sweetest of smiles. I should probably take a hundred of her bones. She would remain with the majority, so it wouldn't be that bad. We locked eyes, and this time I didn't look away from her brown, overbearing gaze.

"Your secret is yours to tell," she said, backing out of dangerous territory. Maybe she saw the warning in my smile. "But there is no reason why it should continue to be one. You cannot hide forever. You are neither Wolf nor Witch, neither shifter nor wielder; you are both. Whichever side you show, you will never be complete. You must show both faces in order to take your place in the world. When you were a child, that secret protected you. Now, though it admittedly has its advantages, it hinders you. You have killed many and erased memories of hundreds in order to protect your secret, yourself, and your family. Maybe it is time to show it to the world, let them see. If they don't like it, that's fine too. They can harbor their hatred; you are strong enough to protect yourself. Do not sit on your potential until it becomes stale. Child," she whispered, her voice switching from reasoning to warning, "there have been less than five hybrids in the entire history of the world. Do not be fooled into imagining you can hide. You have a high destiny, and it will include all of your being. The world will know, whether or not you choose to let them."

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