Chapter 20: Edge of a Knife

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It was about midday when the Fellowship rowed between two massive towers of, each one standing on opposite sides of the river. Estelwen squinted her eyes. The statues of rock were hundreds of feet tall. She did not recall reading about such significant monuments. What are they? No one else questioned their nature, so Estelwen remained quiet, not wanting to appear foolish for not knowing what they were. As they came closer, everyone started. Each statue was a crowned noble-looking man with an axe in his right hand while his left hand pointed in a gesture of defiance.

"The Pillars of Kings," Legolas whispered.

The name is familiar. Estelwen searched her mind, sure she had read something about them. Yes, pillars. Of the kings of men, the kings of... Her gaze wandered to Aragorn's face. Gondor.

Aragorn's head was raised to look at the statues, the respect in his eyes greater than a bowed head. "Long have I desired to look upon my kin." His voice betrayed a sense of longing.

Estelwen watched him intently. Here was a man who had refused to take the throne, claiming no pleasure in riches or power. Yet here he was, admiring the kings of men. Then why does he not accept his kingship? She was determined to observe him more, to talk to him. Yet there was an intimidation to approaching him with personal matters. There were times he felt as close as a brother, but those times were rare. He is a mystery.

Aragorn turned his boat towards the right bank, signaling their stop for a break.

The hobbits were relieved to stop for a while. Merry and Pippin started unpacking a few cups and packs of herbs. "Tea time," Pippin announced.

Estelwen glanced at her own clothes. They were mostly dry, but stiff and cold. As Sam threw some kindling into a growing fire, Estelwen sighed contently. The warmth of the fire and the sun buzzed pleasantly against her skin, and she leaned against a tree. She gently closed her eyes. Sleep was quite inevitable at this point. They had time, and there was nothing to worry about. Estelwen went through a list in her head to make sure the last statement was true. The only thing that bothered her was Boromir. He does not seem right lately. And it escalades whenever he is around the Ring. She opened her eyes irritably, quite sure that he was feeding the fire.

Legolas watched Estelwen as she stretched against a tree. Her dark lashes rested gently against her skin. He was starting to discover that her playfulness was really a small expression for how much she really cared for others. He also found that when others mistook her silence for shyness, she was merely being observant. She was complex, but her personality intrigued him. She is right about the dwarf too. He is not that terrible. In fact, Gimli was one of the most open-minded dwarves Legolas had met. Unlike other dwarves, Gimli did not seem to carry around a personal dislike towards Legolas for being an elf. Legolas greatly appreciated it, and he hoped to return the favor.

Right when he assumed Estelwen to be asleep, her eyes flicked open and she sat up. "Where is Boromir?" Estelwen asked sharply.

Aragorn passed by with a pile of sticks in his arms. "Be still. He is gathering more firewood." He threw a couple sticks into the fire and surveyed those present. He froze. "Where is Frodo?"

Sam looked up, eyes wide and alert.

Estelwen jumped to her feet. Both Boromir and Frodo being gone at once was enough for panic to set in.

"Spread out," Aragorn said. "They should be near."

Estelwen shot into the woods before Aragorn had spoken. Her mind was scrambling for ideas where Frodo might be. She ran uphill through trees, her legs burning. She doubted anyone else would assume that the hobbit traveled uphill. But it is like Frodo to choose the hardest way. She noticed the orange and yellow leaves scattered all over the forest ground. She stopped moving and listened for any hint of someone walking. There were no footsteps, but grunting in the distance. "Frodo!" She dashed towards the sounds of a struggle. She was not prepared for what she saw once she reached the flat of the hill.

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