Chapter 38: The Third Vision

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The knight stopped walking with Estelwen when they spotted the king's tent. "My instructions were to leave you to him alone."

Estelwen nodded, her eyes fixed on the tent. "I understand." No one told the knight who the visiting rider was, so there was no way he could give her a warning other than: "He wore a cloak that covered his face and spoke in a deep voice that was both commanding and calm."

Whoever you are, be ready. She grabbed the hilt of her sword. At the first sign of danger, she would have to use it. She took a deep breath and pushed the tent flaps aside.

Lord Elrond stood in the center of the tent. The hood to his cloak had already been pulled back. Unlike before, his eyes were tired, but that did not overpower the relief in his smile. "Estelwen." He opened his arms.

"Ada..." She was once again a young girl. She flung her arms around him. It had been so long. A trail of tears leaked from the corner of her eyes. Having him here was a balm to her fears. A healing to her aching soul. She looked up into his eyes, which were not completely dry themselves. "How did you know of my name?"

"The Lady Galadriel has told me. You are no longer the same child who came to live in Rivendell, Estelwen. I could not be more proud."

She smiled through her tears and wiped them away. "Did she also tell you of Estel, of Aragorn?"

"That your destinies are intertwined? Yes. He must rise to the throne, Estelwen. He must become whom he was born to be."

"He will not run anymore. But I do not think he knows what to do besides fight."

"He does," Elrond said. "He knows fully well what he must do. Even with Rohan and its allies, Gondor is outnumbered. They will be at the mercy of the Dark Lord, who is merciful to none. Aragorn must summon the army of the dead, who have yet to pay their debt to Gondor." Elrond looked at the tent flap. "He might have need of you."

Estelwen paused, then shook her head. "I have done what I can for him. The more I have spoken to him, the more I am assured that he will do whatever is necessary to protect Gondor."

"He must. If this darkness is not defeated, Arwen will die."

Estelwen stared at him. "How? She did not leave to the Undying Lands?"

"She lies in her bed as I speak."

Any whip, any burn, anything but this. Estelwen felt it sliding its way into her. Fear.

Elrond turned to the side. "Before I left, Arwen made sure to have this restored." He picked up an object wrapped in cloth that had been lying on a table. He removed the cloth to reveal the sword, the one that had been sitting in pieces in Rivendell below the statue of Isildur. "The Sword of the Elendil has been made one, as will Gondor under its rightful king."

Estelwen gazed at the elegant blade. "I wish my path was as clear before me as it is to him."

Elrond held her hands in his. "You have always taken chances and made choices that not even fate could have foretold. Allow your heart to inspire you, but let wisdom be your guide."

"I will try to remember that."

Elrond wrapped the sword again in the cloth. "I must depart soon to take care of Arwen. But first, I will speak to Aragorn."

"Ada, I have one last question."


"It might not be very important, but it has been on my mind. Boromir-"

Element of the Heart - A Lord of the Rings/Legolas FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora