Chapter 9: A Night of Change

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Evangeline and Arwen wandered outside of the Mirkwood palace. The ball was over, and most of the elves had left to return to their homes. Daurion took a bit longer packing since they had to travel farther than most of the others.

Evangeline recalled the events of the evening. After her first dance with Legolas, one of the guards had called his name, saying that the king wished to speak with him. After apologizing for his abrupt leave, Legolas wished she would enjoy the rest of the evening, and said it was his hope to dance again soon. Evangeline had kept scanning the crowds to see if he had returned. What business must he have with the king? He was a warrior. She could tell by his stance and his attentiveness. Yet, Legolas did not return for the whole evening.

I hope all went well. It was a shame we could not have danced again, or talked for longer.

"Is your mind captivated by something other than Mirkwoods splendor?"

Evangeline looked to Arwen, whose eyes were full of mirth. "One of the Mirkwood guards, he-"

"You danced with one of the guards?"

Why does she looked puzzled? "Yes, after Aragorn claimed you as his partner, I only danced once."

Arwens puzzled expression morphed into a smile. "Evangeline!"

It was the first time Evangeline had ever seen Arwen look so amused. "I fail to see what the-"

"You danced with Legolas, prince and heir to the throne of Mirkwood!"

Evangelines jaw dropped. "I..." The prince of Mirkwood. King Thranduil's son. How naïve was I to speak so frankly with him! She looked back at the palace. "Are there apologies in order? I could at least send a note through a guard to-"

Arwen shook her head, still smiling. "There is be no need. He was pleased to dance with you."

Before Evangeline could respond, Daurion and Radagast approached them, Daurion carrying a few bags and his sword readily belted to his side. Daurion lifted his free hand. "We are nearly ready to depart. I only need to fetch the horses."

Arwen offered to help him, leaving Evangeline and Radagast alone.

Evangeline reached down to pet the rhosgobel rabbits that led Radagasts wooden sleigh. Radagast chuckled lightly. "I will be grateful to return to my own forest home, and so will they."

Evangeline stopped stroking the rabbits and looked into the night. Now is better than never to ask him. "Lord Radagast, what is it you love so much about the creatures of the earth?"

He looked at her in surprise. "Why do you? They give me hope."


"Yes, like tonight, they made me feel that people will be merry again. That one day, children will once more echo the songs of birds, women will chatter happily like squirrels, and men will remain with their families like a watchful deer, not plagued by this brooding darkness."

Evangeline was touched. "I never thought of them in that manner. I suppose that is why they are comforting to be around, even if they are odd at times."

Lord Radagast nodded, his eyes twinkling. He sighed contentedly. "Well, I best be on my way."

"May you never tarry on your travels, Lord Radagast. Your forest awaits you." Evangeline stepped back from the sleigh. Radagast waved to her and set off. The rabbits bounded across the forest grounds. Evangeline stared in the direction they left. He was right. They are quite fast, especially for such small creatures.

The thumping stopped. There was a loud snap of wood. Evangeline chuckled and shook her head. I spoke too soon. If those rabbits are as fast as he claims, his rickety sleigh may need a replacement before his return.

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