Chapter 53: Remembrance

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Aragorn stepped onto the balcony overlooking the White City. Hours ago, this balcony was filled with the people of Gondor, those that fought at the Black Gates, and the four brave hobbits, including Frodo and Sam, who, after destroying the Ring, had been rescued by eagles from the fury of Mount Doom. They all saw Aragorn crowned king. It was his birthright, his destiny, and now, a responsibility he fully embraced. Elrond had also joined the gathering, bringing Arwen with him and giving Aragorn permission to marry her. While these things gave Aragorn a great peace and happiness, he still carried a deep sorrow. Estelwen had died for him. And because of that, she died for all the people of Gondor.

Once the coronation was over, Elrond had quickly pulled Aragorn to the side. "If Arwen did not have the hope of seeing you, she would have died upon hearing word of the death of the earthborn, who was as a sister to her and as a daughter to I."

"I swear to the Valar that her sacrifice shall be known in the West, and it will never be forgotten amongst my people." Even as Aragorn said the words, there was a bitter taste in his mouth. Why did she have to pay the full price? Did fate really have her all along, or was there something we could have done? Aragorn knew that he would never be able to repay the death that he, his kin, and his friends would always mourn.

While the people celebrated, Aragorn stood on the balcony, looking into the night sky. The Shadow was gone forever from Middle Earth. Gondor could see the stars again. Looking to his right, he spotted a cloaked figure. Aragorn knew this was the only elf that was present during the coronation, but not the feast.

"Legolas, once the celebration is over, the people will spend three days mourning for all those who have perished during these wars."

"Your loyalty to those who fall is never of concern."

Aragorn took a step forward. This is the first time he has spoken since the Black Gates.

Legolas turned around, his eyes betraying his agony. "Of all the stars that have fallen, hers brings the darkest night to my heart." He glanced at the stars and turned to leave the balcony.

Aragorn had heard of elves becoming mad from grief. More than ever, he hoped they were tales. "You must find the strength, Legolas, even when there seems to be none."

Legolas paused. "If I must." He continued into the white walls, weaving his way down the city to the stables. He found Arod and rode out of Gondor, into the night, to the west. Within the hour, he passed over a great stretch of flat land and over a few hills. He came in view of the Western Sea, stretching out to meet the night sky. It was only place where heaven and earth could meet.

Legolas dismounted and sent Arod away. The steed would know its way back home. His boots brushed against the sand as he stood listening to the waves. For a while, he walked along the shoreline, slowly making his way closer to the ocean. A seagull cried. Legolas caught a glimpse as it flew overhead. Its cry had been one of longing. Legolas sank to his knees, feeling empty. He looked ahead. The water was only inches away. The sea reflected his sorrow, rising as a dark wave that was ready to drown all light and life in his soul, then sinking back down with a deep despair and tiredness that he had never felt before. He bent forward, burying his head into his hands against the coarse sand. He did not sleep.

The sky slowly became less dark. A thin ray of light broke forth from the horizon, but it had no effect on Legolas. Sand coated his lips, his hands, and was dusted all over his clothes. In the distance, he heard the sand being kicked up.

Someone is coming.

Legolas prayed they would go away, that they would fade while he submersed himself in the numbness that was coming over him.

Don't you just love fantasy music? The song attached to this chapter is "Sleeping Sun" by Nightwish

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Don't you just love fantasy music? The song attached to this chapter is "Sleeping Sun" by Nightwish.

Here's a little story for you: I am currently on a beach vacation with my family. Last night, I walked out onto the beach alone with my guitar in hand. I sat on the sand, listening to the breeze and the rolling waves. I've always wanted to see the ocean at night. I strummed my guitar singing May It Be. It was one of the most magical feelings in the world. It was a lot like falling in love: you know the reality of the situation, but you're still in awe about the mystery and beauty of it all.

What was your magic moment?

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