Nosey Newby

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I wake two hours before the alarm, 4:00 am. My body is sore. I walk into the bathroom and examine myself. Bruises are planted every, except for my face, I don't seem to bruise there. That helps, it wouldn't be very easy to hide them if I did.

I pulled on a long sleeved black shirt and black jeans, the usual, along with my black choker and combat boots. I redo my nails; filing them to points and painting them black. My style comforts me and keeps the assholes away... Along with everyone else. People being scared of you has its ups and downs. I'm not much of a threat, though. In fact, I'm kind of a softy.

I wet my hair, brushed it, and put mousse in it so the curls wouldn't frizz. I brushed my teeth and walked out the door to catch the bus.

This week was a little different than usual. There was this new guy, if I recall correctly, Brandon. He is in all my major classes. He hasn't said a word to me, just would stare at me curiously. At lunch, he sat at a table that was on the opposite side of the room from where mine was. But on Friday, he sat at mine before I did. Oh well, lunch is almost over anyway.
"Did you get lost finding your way to your table?" I asked as I sat down on the opposite side of the rounded table.

"I purposely sat here," he answered with a deep voice. "Where is your lunch?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh? Just like yesterday and the day before?" He asks leaning in.

"Why do you care about whether I eat lunch or not?" my voice clearly showing I'm annoyed.

"Is it just lunch that you skip, or do you not eat breakfast and dinner as well?"

"You are a nosy one aren't you?" I stand up. "If I didn't eat would I be this big?" I poke at the fat in my stomach and sit back down.

"Big? You're skin and bone," he tells me while sliding his tray towards me.


" I don't like burgers," I slide his tray back towards him.

"Hmm. Then what do you like?"


"So I can get you some food?"

"I told you I wasn't hungry. " Just as I say that, my stomach makes a long thunderous noise. I try to pretend it didn't happen.

"Then what was that?"

"What was what?"

"That noise from your stomach."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Don't play dumb, Lydia."

"I'm not doing anything," I try changing the subject. "Why did you sit here in the first place? I sit alone."

"I noticed. What kind of man would I be to leave a lovely young lady in her lonesome."

"Yeah you are definitely new here." The bell rings. "See you around." I get up and leave for tenth period.

"Hey! Wait up." I'm gone before he can catch up.

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