My New Neighbor?

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I decided to skip tenth period and walk home. When I got home, I showered. Showers always relax me. The burning is comforting. After I put on an over sized black shirt and black sweat pants, I heard a knock at the door. That's weird, I thought, father doesn't come home more than three days a month, let alone twice a week. I open the door and it was him.

"Brandon?" I hide my arms behind my back.

"Lydia? Hey,"he says with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here? "

"I finally got settled into my new home. I thought it would be nice to introduce myself to my new neighbors."

"Well you already met me. See you around." I tried closing the door on him but he wedged his foot in the way.

"You aren't going to invite me in?" He asked with a questioning smirk.

"Why would I do that?"

"All of your neighbors did." he says as he walks in.

"Yeah well I'm not crazy enough to let a stranger into my house. Get out." I try closing the door again.

"Why do you isolate yourself from others?" I froze as soon as the words left his lips but I quickly recovered.
"Why do you ask so many questions?" I keep the door halfway closed but I still am looking through it.

"I find you interesting," he says while his eyes are on mine, looking into my dark soul. I feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed. This time, he leaves when I ask him to. Phew ,glad that's over.

Sunday afternoon, I decided to take a walk. I haven't been out since... I can't even remember when. It was a nice cloudy and windy day. It looked like it was going to rain. I love the rain.

I was just a block away from home when it started pouring. I spread my arms far apart and let my head fall back with my eyes closed to let the rain fall on me for a few minutes. Once I opened my eyes, I saw Brandon walking on the opposite side of the street as me. Luckily, he didn't see me. He is everywhere I seem to be.

I wasn't woken up by an alarm. The numbers on my alarm clock were blinking. The power must have gone out. Oh well. There is no point in coming to school when half the day has passed. My stomach growled loudly and it was hurting. I went downstairs and made myself some tea and had a few grapes with it. I will work off those calories later. I fell back asleep on the couch while watching the television.

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