Curiosity Saves

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I was heading inside from letting the dogs out when I heard leaves rustling as if someone was walking through them. I look around and about four houses down to the right, I see a figure walking slowly into the woods. There is a rope in their hands... I automatically followed. What is going on? I try to trail behind a little and avoid any sticks or leaves. I don't want them knowing I'm here. I do end up snapping a twig but they don't notice. The person stopped at this huge tree. The rope is slung on their shoulder as they climb up. Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

My legs start moving as fast as they can go. They jumped... I got kneed in the chin as one of my arms wraps around their knees and the other is reached up to hold their back. I am able to lower them more to safely get the rope from around their neck. Once I got it off of them, I stood them up on their feet. I froze when I saw her face. "Lydia..."

"You are just everywhere I go," she says in an irritated voice.

"I just saw you walking with a- are you okay? Of course you aren't okay. I mean. You just tried. What's wrong with you? I'm sorry that's rude. Ignore me, give me a second."

"Uhm. Okay." She says calmly.

"Why am I the one freaking out and you are the one that is calm?" She just shrugs her shoulders. "Why would you try to take your life?"

"Why would you stop me? You don't know me. Mind your own business. I didn't want to be stopped, I want to be dead," she snapped.

"What good would that do you?" I asked quietly. "Every life is precious, Lydia, including yours," I continued.

"You don't know what you're talking about. I'm nothing. Not just to me, to everyone." She starts walking in the direction of which we came from, toward her house.

"Not to me..." I whispered too quiet for her to hear.

Lydia wasn't at school all week. I don't know if she is avoiding me or if she got to it... Why should I care? I don't know her, I just met her. Why can't I stop thinking about her?

Coming home from a walk Saturday afternoon, I see Lydia sitting on the stairs of her small porch, staring into space. Should I go say something to her? I don't want to seem too clingy. I just keep walking.

" Brandon," a quite voice calls. It's her. I look at her and she waves me over.

"Hey," I say as I walk over, trying to hide a smile.

"How are you?" She chokes out. It looks like she was either crying or is trying to keep herself from it.

"I'm good... You?"

"I'm sorry." She stops for a few seconds. "I shouldn't have yelled. I just..."

"You don't have to be sorry. I got in the way. I didn't even know it was you. I was with the dogs out back and saw someone walking. I saw the rope, got worried, and followed."

"Why did you move here?" She asks changing the subject.

"I used to live with my mom and, lets
just say, she isn't okay in the head. My dad took me in, I guess you could say."

"So it's just you and him?"

"He has a wife and her son lives there too."

"I used to live with my mom," Lydia began. "She sent me here to live with my dad so she could enjoy her life partying, living fast like she was still young," she chuckles. "She went home with a guy she met in some club. She expected a one night stand.

Living the fast got her stabbed thirteen times in the stomach. The guy fucked her dead body."

"Oh my god. Lydia, I'm s-"

"Don't be," she cuts me off. "She got what she deserved. I don't feel bad for her. I'm just waiting for karma to get the old man too."

"You mean it?" She's insane.

"If you knew everything that happened, you would too."

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