Get Away

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"I am not wearing this." She dressed me as a black cat.

"Aww come on you look adorable," Lydia teases as she adjusts my cat ears and sweeps my brown bangs to the right with her hand. She picks up some eye liner and raises it to my face.

"What are you doing?" I flinch back.

"You need whiskers and a little nose," she says in an innocent voice but in a mocking way.

"Fine." I let her get her way. She is enjoying this torture. Evil and cute.

We don't go trick-or-treating. Instead, we go for a walk.

"I love Halloween," Lydia pleasantly sighs.

"Why is that? You aren't even getting any candy."

"The costumes are enough of a treat for me. Everyone is dressed up. Each costume tells a little about the person wearing it."

"So why am I a cat?"

"You're very curious all the time."

"Curiosity killed the cat," I chuckle. "You telling me I'm gonna die sometime soon, Miss Lydia Martin?"

"I would hope not. But. You never know."

"What a pleasant thought."

She walked and I followed. I don't know where we are going, but as long as I'm with her, it doesn't matter. After about ten more minutes, we head back to her house. We didn't go inside, we walked through the small woods in the back yard.

We're here... The same place she tried to take her life. I stop walking. "Why are we here?"

"Don't worry," she takes my hand in hers and leads on. "I love it here." We are a few hundred yards from the cherry blossom tree, in a field. Something about this place makes it beautiful and comforting. The willow trees sway with the wind and the crickets make noises that almost sound like they are singing, making the area feel almost dream like somehow.

We are sitting. Lydia is safe in my arms on this beautiful night.

"I used to come here to get away when things were becoming too much. For a while it was helpful to come here. Eventually, nothing helped and I would just lock myself up in my room." Lydia tells me after a few moments of comforting silence.

*I had to have him be a cat. He looked so adorable in my mind XD. Vote if you enjoyed!*

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