Chapter Six

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Branch paced back and forth, going a bit faster than before. With his arms crossed, he kicked a nearby rock, which went across the path. On the left side, Floyd listened to "Lovely" by Billie Eilish, which blasted in his ears. Poppy's sang her song "Get Back Up Again", which her voice echoed on the right side of Troll forest.

Poppy: 💖 If something goes a little wrong, well you can go ahead and bring it on! Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again! Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh, get back up again! Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh 💖 I'M ALMOST DONE, BRANCHIE!!!

JD, Clay and Spruce's voices echoed on the left side of Troll Forest.

JD: That's it. You got this, bro.



Branch kept mumbling to himself and pacing the floor until his girlfriend returned, skipping towards him. She let her hands out.

Poppy: I'm back and ready for the hand sanitizer! 😁😁

Branch: (Grumbles and squirts the hand sanitizer into Poppy's hands) 😒😒😒😒

Poppy: Branch, are you okay?

Branch: Pull it together, man. Remember, you are a survivalist. (Puts hand sanitizer bottle into hair) Oh, I'm totally okay and feeling happy about this dilemma all because of SPRUCE!!! WHY DID HE HAVE TO DRINK ALL THAT ICED TEA!!! I MEAN, DID HE REALLY NEED TO GO? (Starts impersonating Spruce) "I've been holding it for fifteen minutes!!" and then—(Jumps from foot to foot)—"I have to tinkle!"


Branch ignored Spruce's comment as he continues to jump from foot to foot, even when he stopped impersonating Spruce.

Poppy: (Giggles) Is that still part of the act?

Branch: (Stops jumping) All I'm saying is that we could've been walking a lot further by now. We won't be able to get to the red boulder before—(grunts)

Branch faced away from her, focusing on pacing again, but his body fidgeted once more, making him stop. His back was turned away from Poppy as he took quick breaths. He closed his eyes. A soft hand grabbed his hand. He opened his eyes. Poppy's hand squeezed his hand. He turned to face his girlfriend, giving her a forced smile. The watery feeling he felt inside made him a bit squirmy, making him sit on the grass.

Poppy: Oh...Branchie...I don't want to see you struggle...

Branch: Struggle? I'm not.

Poppy: Shhh....

She sat next to him. Her pink eyes gleamed at him. Poppy massaged from his left to right hand. Branch tilted his head, pursing his lips.

Branch: Whoa, what are you doing?

Poppy: Ssshhhh....(starts humming)

Listening to her hum, Branch recognized the song as "True Colors", the song when he first fell in love with Poppy. Poppy's soft hands moved to his arms to his shoulders, massaging them. Soon, Branch's tense shoulders slowly started to loosen up a bit. He sighed, closed his eyes, and slowly smiled. Wait. Were his brothers around to see this? He quickly opened his eyes. Floyd was there, still on his headphones. Thank Troll! Closing his eyes again, Branch felt Poppy's lips near his right ear.

Poppy: (Whispers) How does that feel, Branchifur? 😏

Branch: Hmmmmm....that feels good, Popifur. 😌

Poppy: Just relax...don't worry, we'll make it to the red boulder before night...and if we don't, just stay positive that we will...(continues to hum)

Branch: Hmmmm..... 😌😌😌😌

He continued to let her massage his shoulders, which were feeling a lot better than before. She moved towards his hair, still humming while stroking his hair. For the next few minutes, he had forgotten about needing to pee...until he remembered. He opened his eyes and quickly stood.

Branch: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can be too relax, you know. 😬

Poppy: Oh? (coos) Branchie can't hold it until tonight? 😙😏

Branch hesitated, Poppy hugged him, and he hugged her back, rolling his eyes, but he eventually smiled and nodded. She continued to baby talk to him while he said "mhm" to every word she said while still listening out for his other brothers. When he tried to break away from the hug, she still kept a grip of him, making him squirm even more. She let go of him, still holding onto his hand, looking up and down at him. He forced a smile at her.

Poppy: (Coos) Aw, Branchie is getting squirmy, isn't he? Do you have to pee?

Branch blushed. Before he could answer her, Branch tilted his head to the left. Clay, JD, and Spruce were coming back and they were laughing. Could they possibly heard her? And if they did, what would they say to him? The feeling came back, but was worse than before.

Branch: Um, um—(Quickly jogs in place while grabbing the hand sanitizer out from his hair, giving it to Poppy and talks quickly)—here—squirt some hand sanitizer for my brothers and I-I-I-I—AAAHH!!!!

Poppy: 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Branch: BE RIGHT BACK!!! 

Branch ran to the right side of Troll Forest, holding onto himself for dear life. 

Trolls: BroZone Camping TripOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora