Chapter Seventeen

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Branch and Floyd rushed through Troll Forest. He faced his fourth oldest brother who didn't look at him at all. Instead, he stared at the ground, holding onto his arm. Branch put his hand onto his shoulder and gave him a light hug. Floyd gave hugged him back, squeezing Branch for a bit. After hugging, Branch faced him, giving him a concerned smile.

Branch: Hey, everything's going to be okay. It's not that bad or scary to do to be honest. Well, I'm a survivalist, so what am I talking about? But's your first time.

....: Yeah, there's no need to be afraid.

Branch jumped a bit to find his girlfriend skipping towards them. 

Floyd: (Waves) 😶

Branch: What are you doing here? 😐

Poppy: I'm Floyd's cheerleader. 😊 He needs all the encouragement he can get. 

Branch: Oh. Okay. 

Poppy: Aw, Floyd, you look so tense!

Floyd: I tried not to be, but....(bounces on toes) Can we hurry? (Grits teeth) I don't think I can hold it much longer.

Poppy: Uh, oh—(pulls Floyd's hand)—we better hurry, Branch!

Branch didn't think twice as he, Poppy, and Floyd hurried along through Troll Forest, until they came across a huge boulder that stood between two bushes. When they got to the other side, Branch dropped his backpack and opened it, pulling out a trowel. Floyd continued to bounce on his toes, taking quick breaths.

Branch: There. A perfect spot, plus lots of privacy. So, after you find the perfect private spot, you dig a hole. (Gives trowel to Floyd)

Floyd: How big?

Branch: It depends on how bad you have to go.

Floyd: (Gulps) 😰😰😰😰

Floyd slowly squat down and began to dig the hole. When he was finished, Floyd passed the trowel back to Branch who frowned.

Poppy: Wow, that's a big hole. 😯

Branch: That's too big. 🤨

Floyd: That's how bad I have to go. 😬

Branch: Can you hold a squat?

Floyd: (Makes a face for five seconds) Yes? Yes.

Branch: Good. All you need to do is squat and go.

Floyd: I-I-I don't know if I can do this. Maybe this isn't a good idea. I-I-I change my mind. I can't. Why don't we go back to the others, and then we....

Branch: You have to do this. You've been holding it for 25 hours...

Floyd: Don't remind me....I already feel guilty about that already.

Poppy: To cheer you on, Floyd, I'll sing you a song. 

💖 When you have go poop, you have to push, push, push... 💖

Floyd: (Gives out an embarrassed smile) 😶

Branch: (Sighs and reluctantly nods to Poppy's encouragement song) 😐

Poppy continues to sing her song.

💖 You can do this, Floyd, it's a piece of cake 💖

💖 Just make sure you take deep breaths and try to push, push, push 💖

💖 I'm sure you'll feel better after you finish 💖

💖 And don't forget, you're doing this for your own health 💖

Floyd still bounced on his toes, holding his breath while Branch smiled at her.

Poppy: I believe that you can do this, Floyd. I believe you can do this. Okay, bye!! (Leaves)

Branch: I'll be with the others if you need me.

Floyd: Wait, you're leaving me? B-By myself?

Branch: Oh, I'm going to sit here and watch you go poop—of course, I'm leaving. Don't you want your privacy?

Floyd: Oh, I want a whole crowd to see me go poop as if I'm entertaining them with it.

Branch: Wow, he's good when it comes to his sarcasm. Hm.

Floyd: But all jokes aside, what if someone sees me??? I have never been alone in the forest before.

Branch: No one is going to see you....

❤️ I always feel like somebody's watchin' me ❤️

❤️ And I have no privacy (oh oh oh) ❤️

❤️ I always feel like somebody's watchin' me ❤️

❤️ Tell me is it just a dream? ❤️

Floyd: Sorry, I had that in my head. 

Branch: 😐😐😐😐

Floyd: I'm scared, my stomach's hurting, and I think I'm about to have gas right now. Sorry, was that too much?

Branch stared at Floyd who was now looking like he was in extreme pain. Inside, Branch cared about him, and understood that he didn't want to be alone.....again. In secret, he wanted to spend time with Floyd. There was a bit of silence between the two of them. Branch took a deep breath.

Branch: Okay. I'll be on the other side to keep you company.

(Stomach grumbles)

Floyd: (Groans) It's getting worse.

Branch: Oh-oh. You better go.

Branch went to the other side of the boulder, putting his backpack down beside him. He sat on the grass. The sound of Floyd unbuckling his belt made Branch's left ear twitched.

Floyd: (Holds belt out towards Branch) Can you hold this for me?

Branch: Oh, sure. (holds belt)


Floyd: Oh shoot.

Branch: What happened?

Floyd: I-I think I ripped my shorts while I was trying to do a squat. Yup, I did.

Branch: Ooh. 🤭

Floyd: Note to self: Don't wear these shorts when you're out here.

Branch: (Opens backpack) Here. You can wear this.

Branch pulled out an extra pair of his usual shorts, passing them to Floyd who immediately grabbed them.

Floyd:, they fit me nicely. Okay, time to pull them down, down, down.

Branch: Those last words he said sound familiar. (Clears throat) Call me if you need anything.

Floyd: Okay............doing a squat............(Groans)

Out of the blue, Spruce, Clay and JD's voices echoed ahead of Branch.




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