Chapter Twenty-One

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Branch: GO, GO, GO!!!

Everyone ran after Spruce who again screamed like crazy, but this time not as crazy as yesterday. Somehow Spruce was running faster than everyone else, which Clay commented about. Floyd ran ahead of JD and was close to passing Clay.

Clay: What the—when did you start running so fast, Floyd? 😲

Floyd: I'm feeling a lot better!!! WHOO!!! 😁

JD: HA, HA!! Got to record this!!  😁 (Brings out video camera)


Poppy: ZIG-ZAG, GUYS!!!

They all ran in a zig-zagged way, but this time Spike kept moving forward, although he got a bit dizzy in the end. They turned left to find Spruce who had stopped in his tracks.

Branch: Come on, Spruce, we've got to leave.

Spruce: We can't. There's mud everywhere!

Branch moved forward. Ahead of them were lots of trees and underneath them was a bunch of mud. From one side to another there was mud. It was like a mud swamp.

Branch: There's no way we can go around this guys. We must go through it.

Spruce: Excuse me, what? I'm not going through it. My hair is going to be ruined.



Poppy: I have an idea. Let's swing through the tree branches.

Poppy pointed towards the branches above them. Spruce and Floyd looked a bit concerned. Clay and JD smiled at one another.

Spruce: Wait, we can do that with our hair?? 🤨

JD: Duh! We're Trolls.

Floyd: I hadn't done it in a while.

Spruce: Me neither.

Spike returned as he came closer to them. It screeched and screamed as it walked through Troll Forest in a fast pace.

JD: We don't have time to ponder. Let's swing!

Poppy: Just aim at the tree branch, let yourself swing, let go, and repeat. Now come on.

Clay: You don't have to tell me twice. Come on, Spruce.

Clay held onto Spruce's hand as the two of them used their hair to swing across the tree branches. Branch held onto Floyd's hand as he guided Floyd on how to swing through the branches. Spike leaped towards Branch and Floyd as they swung near a tree branch, but it didn't catch them.

Clay: HA! Looks like it can't come across. 😜

Spike stood back and stepped onto the mud with one foot and another. Then it scurried across the mud below them.

Floyd: Wow, thanks, Clay. 😒

Branch: Yeah, now he is still on our tail.

Poppy: Come on, guys, let's continue to swing.

They all swung from one tree branch to another. Once, Floyd and Spruce got the hang of it, they swung on their own. Branch swung along with Poppy, JD swung with boldness as he made air moves while singing, Clay flipped into a ball and unraveled him, grabbing the tree branch. Floyd swung forward, kicking his legs, grabbing another tree branch. He had a smile on his face too.

Clay: Yee-haw!!

JD: Whoo-hoo, let's gooo!!

Spruce: WHEEEEE!!!

Poppy: We can do this, guys!

Spike screeched from the bottom, still following them. A sudden tree branch broke as Clay fell...Spruce used his hair to grab him, pulling him up. For once, Branch was having fun with Poppy and his brothers, swinging on branches, which was one of his favorite hobbies as a kid. They continued to swing until they saw an edge where a cliff was there.

Floyd: A cliff!

Spruce: How are we supposed to get to the other side?

Poppy: We can make it to the other side, if we swing with force on that last tree branch.

BroZone Brothers: WHAT!?!

Branch: We won't make it.

Poppy: Yes, we can!

Spike came closer to them. They swung together, getting closer to the last, huge tree branch. Branch held onto Poppy's hand, Spruce grabbed hers, JD grabbed Spruce's hand, Clay grabbed JD's hand, and Floyd grabbed Branch's hand. They came towards the huge tree branch and Spike screeched and came closer.

Branch: Here we go.....

They swung their hair with huge force as they let go of the last tree branch, leaping. Spike came closer towards Branch's feet but missed as they were in the air.....

BroZone Brothers: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

Poppy: We're going to maaaaaaaaake iiiiiiiiiiiiitt.....

The ledge on the other side was getting closer, as they were close to falling down to the bottom of a ravine....

Poppy: I don't think we caaaaaaaaann......

They all collapsed to the ground as they lied on the ground.

JD: HELP!!!!

Branch faced JD who was holding onto the edge of the cliff. Branch ran towards him.

JD: I'm slipping.....

Branch jumped towards JD, but JD let go of the edge. JD screamed.....


Someone's hair moved forward quickly towards the edge....JD stopped screaming. Branch moved towards the edge to find JD holding onto some purple hair for dear life. Behind him, Spruce had a determined face, smiling at Branch.

Spruce: I got you, JD. Hold on.

JD: Thanks, bro!

Branch: What could we do without your long hair?

Spruce: Oh, thanks.

Spruce moved his hair upward as JD climbed up and made it back up. JD hugged Spruce and Branch.

JD: ThanksYou saved me, Spruce!

Spruce: Of course. I couldn't let you die. 

Poppy and the rest of Branch's brothers hugged JD and they had a group hug. Branch stood up and he faced to the other side where Spike stood there and screamed at them.

Branch: We.....made it.

Clay: Yooooooo, that was awesome!!!

Poppy: WE DID IT!!!

They all cheered. Clay tucked and rolled into a ball and unraveled himself again. He started to mess with Spike.

Clay: HA! Looks like you can't make it. Na, na, na, na, na, na!

JD: Alright, just leave Spike alone. Let's go.

Clay: (Sniffs the air) What's that smell?

Branch sniffed the air, and JD too did the same thing. It was an odd thing of them to sniff the air at the same time and make the same thinking expression too. They both faced each other.

Branch & JD: Freshwater.

Spruce: Really? We're near the lake???

Poppy: Yay, we're almost there!

Clay: I'll race you, guys.

Clay sprinted ahead of the others as they followed him, trying to get through Troll Forest, following the fresh smell of the lake.

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