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Forks, Washington. The land of misty mornings, overcast skies and tales throughout the ages. I'd always had an attachment to this place, always caved into the magnetic pull, the way the town always seemed so sleepy, yet so wild.

I pulled up to Billy's. It had been years since I last showed my face, but the house was as red as ever. Untouched by time. All of Forks was this way really. The world would keep turning, aging, modernising, and yet Forks stayed the same.
The same could be said for Billy Black, minus the aging lines on his face. He had been my one constant after the Cold Ones killed my Mother.
"Y/N, welcome home." Billy smiled warmly, but it still didn't take away the harsh reality that dawned on me every time I saw him in the wheelchair. I hid it well, we both knew he suffered with survivors guilt despite his own losses.
"Billy." I shut the door to my Shogun and slung my bag over my shoulder before heading towards him for a lopsided hug. He seemed genuinely happy to see me.
"Jake missed you." I swallowed the nervous lump that appeared in my throat and rolled my eyes, pretending I hadn't been driving myself crazy debating whether to call while I'd been away. I had eventually decided to let sleeping dogs lie around the four month mark, I never knew if I'd return to Forks, I didn't want him waiting.
"I missed you guys too." I tried to ignore the fluttering in my stomach as I followed Billy into the house, but it grew stronger with each step.
"You okay?" Billy asked, I nodded, trailing my gaze along the newest set of photos. Jacob towering over his sisters.
"It's just weird, being back." I made my way to my old room, it was exactly the same. Billy had promised that he wouldn't move a thing despite my effort to force him to let me go, and I was secretly glad. I placed my bag at the foot of my bed when I heard the front door crash open, Billy chuckling to himself.

"Y/N." I froze. His voice sent jolts up my spine. Jacob bounded into the room, enveloping me in a hug so tight, I wondered if he would crush me. Eventually he let me go and I stepped back to look up at him.
"Jacob." He stood even taller than before. "Do you have to keep growing?"
He broke into a beaming smile, "Six five and counting."
There was a moment of silence between us as we took one another in. Jacob was taller, broader, he had filled out in the past six months. I wondered what he saw in me.
"Let me get your bags." Before I could respond, he was back out the door, a bundle of energy as always. I smiled to myself, walking around the familiar room. I ran my fingers over the bed, my bookshelf, my mirror and desk. Everything was the same, but felt so different at the same time. I couldn't explain it.
He returned with my bags, setting them down by the wall and perching on the end of the bed, radiating happiness like the light of a warm sun. "I really missed you."
A sad smile tugged at the corners of my lips, "I missed you too."
I had spent the past six months in Canada. I had become restless in Forks, but didn't want to leave the tribe. Billy had the idea of sending me to some distant relatives, it was great at first. The air was crisper, the legends just as scary, but I missed home. It began to kill me, hanging up the phone to Jacob every few days. He was elated when I told him I was returning to La Push.
"I know, that's why you came home." Jacob joked, his boyish smirk causing her to creep into my cheeks.
"No, I missed everyone." I defended.
"But me the most." I couldn't argue with that, I rolled my eyes.
"You're impossible, Jacob Black."

I sat in the Garage with Jacob, watching as he worked on his new Volkswagen Rabbit and talking about my time away. Like the giant Grizzly that had recently been spotted on trail. Jacob was skeptical, the tribe spent a lot of time in the woods, and not one is if had seen it.
We were deep into the throes of conversation when the rumbling of an engine drew close, undoubtedly Billy's old rust-bucket of a truck. Jacob got up from under the car and wiped his hand on a rag before heading out to meet our guests.
"Hey, guess who swung by." Jacob called, as if the truck hadn't given it away already.
"Hey Bella." I greeted as she came into view, she looked different from the last time I saw her. Her cheeks were sharper, her eyes hollow. You could see that she hadn't been sleeping. "Long time no see."
She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I didn't know you were back."
"Couldn't stay away."
"I get that." She nodded in acknowledgement. I got the sense that there was a deeper meaning to her words. "What kind of Volkswagen is that?" She changed her tone quickly.
"It's an old Rabbit, 1986 - a classic." Jacob didn't seem to catch on like I did, but maybe I was overthinking it.
"How's it going?"
"Almost finished." He spoke proudly. He'd been working on the car for over a month.
"Ah." There was a brief silence, "Jacob, what do you know about motorcycles?"
He shrugged, "My friend Embry has a dirt bike, we work on it sometimes. Why?"
I left to grab some drinks while Bella explained how she had acquired some old bikes. They weren't in the greatest condition. I passed them by on my return, they were sneaking through the trees to bring them to the garage.
The bikes were old, one an old Harley. They needed work, but Jacob could get them running again. I watched as he began to take the first one apart, his large hands working delicately. It was almost strange how they could be so gentle.
Our prior conversation resumed, Jacob explaining what I had missed at school, the mischief he got up to with Quil and Embry.
"Quil and Embry? Those are unusual names." Bella interrupted.
I glanced at Jacob, he chuckled. "Quil's is a hand me down, and I think Embry was named after a soap opera star. I can't say anything though - they fight dirty if you start on their names. They tag team you."
"Good friends." She raised an eyebrow.
"No, they are. Just don't mess with their names."
Just then, a call echoed in the distance.
"Is that Billy," Bella asked, I shook my head.
"Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear."
It wasn't long until the boys joined us. Embry had filled out in the time I had been gone, he could only be described as Brawny. The pair of them were just as tall as Jacob.
"Y/N! Welcome back." Quil smiled.
"We're glad you're back, Jacob has been moping none stop." Embry added with a wink. I rolled my eyes.
Jacob introduced Bella and explained the current project, the boys were distracted so easily. They crouched around the bike.
I turned to Bella, "So, where'd you get these?"
"The Marks's were getting rid. I thought it might be fun." She explained.
"I never figured you for the reckless type." The corners of her lips twitched upwards at my words.
"I'm full of surprises."  She checked her watch and sighed, sliding out of the Rabbit.
"We're boring you, aren't we?" Jacob asked, she shook her head.
"No, I have to go cook for Charlie."
"Oh, well, I can finish taking these apart tonight and figure out what more we'll need to start rebuilding. When do you want to work on these again?"
"Could I come back tomorrow?"
Quil nudged Embry's arm and they exchanged grins.
"That would be great."
"If you make a list, we can go shop for parts."
Jacob's smile fell from his face, "I'm still not sure I should let you pay for everything."
"No way. I'm bankrolling this party. You just have to provide the labour and expertise."
Embry rolled his eyes at Quil, I bit my lip to hide my growing smile.
"That doesn't seem right."
"Jake, if I took these to a mechanic how much would he charge me?"
Jacob's smile returned, "Okay, you're getting a deal."
"Not to mention the riding lessons." Riding lessons? I figured she wanted to fix them up to sell them, which in itself didn't seem like a smart decision considering the condition of the bikes.
Quil grinned widely at Embry and whispered something. Jacob's hand flashed up and smacked him on the back of the head.
"That's it. Get out." Bella took this as her cue and I followed, shaking my head at the sound of the scuffle going on behind us.
"Hey Bella," I asked as she got into her truck, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." She started the engine, having to shout over the roar, "I just fancied something different for a change."
"Okay. Good." I stepped back, "See you tomorrow." I watched until the truck was out of sight. Bella Swan was up to something.

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