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"So, this Emily. Does she know about..." Bella was still nervous to acknowledge the truth. I didn't blame her.
"Yes. Just don't stare at her, it bugs Sam." I walked with her into the house, just in time for another batch of muffins. The boys had already made their way through a good quarter of them.
"Y/N, good to see you. Who's this?"
"Bella Swan." Jared cut in, "Who else?"
Emily froze, her expression darkening. "Leave it to Jacob to find a way around.So you're the vampire girl."
"Yes. Are you the wolf girl?" That's all it took to set them off. The boys chortled, Emily's smile returning.
"I guess I am." She turned to Jared, "Where's Sam?"
"Bella, uh, surprised Paul this morning."
"Ah, Paul." She sighed. "Do you think they'll be long? I was about to start the eggs?"
I left them to their conversation, standing by the door and watching the trees for Jacob. I caught sight of Sam first followed by Paul and Jacob, who were laughing and bantering as if nothing had happened.
I let them pass, Jacob stopping in the doorway as the others headed to the kitchen. My back pressed into the doorframe as I looked up at him.
"Are you okay?" I ran my eyes over his bare chest for any sign of hurt, "Did he get you?"
"Not a scratch." Jacob was smug as he reached down and cupped my face, kissing my briefly.
"Stop being so proud of yourself, I was terrified." I scolded.
"Gross! I'm eating!" I turned, expecting Embry's protests to be centred on us, instead it was Sam that was being chastised.
"Then shut up and eat." Sam grumbled, kissing Emily, I shook my head and took Jacob's hand, leading him to the table. He took two muffins as we passed the table to stand by Bella.
"Sorry about before." He muttered, "How're you holding up?" Bella, like me, relaxed once assured with Jacob's safety. It was almost hard to believe I would be part of this soon.
"Don't worry, I'm okay. Good muffins." She picked hers up again and started nibbling at it.
"Oh man!" Jared wailed, interrupting them. He and Embry were examining a long, pink line across Paul's arm. Embry was grinning exuberantly.
"Fifteen dollars!" He crowed.
"Did you do that?" Bella asked, eyes wide, Jacob's smug grin was back.
"I barely touched him. He'll be fine by sundown."
She nodded, clearly weirded out.
"Wolf thing." Jacob threaded his fingers through mine before bringing the back of my hand to his lips,  earning more complaints from the others. My stomach fluttered as I pretended not to be absolutely delighted by the small action.
"Hey guys, Jacob's got some new information for us." Sam's words immediately gathered attention. Jacob's thoughts were loud.
"I know what redhead wants." Jacob dictated for Bella and Emily. He kicked the leg of Paul's chairs "That's what I was trying to tell you earlier."
"And?" Jared asked.
"She is trying to avenge her mate." His face fell serious, "Only it wasn't the black-haired leech we killed. The Cullens got her mate last year, and she's after Bella now." Bella shivered beside me. Jared, Embry and Emily stared at her in open mouthed surprise. It wasn't the turn I expected, but I managed to keep my computer.
"She's just a girl." Embry protested.
"I didn't say it made sense. But that's why the blood-sucker's been trying to get past us. She's been heading for Forks."
"Excellent." Jared said, "We've got bait." I felt Bella tense in fear. Jacob tossed a can opener at Jared, who caught it just before it hit his face.
"Bella is not bait." I warned.
"You know what I mean."
"So we'll be changing our patterns." Sam interrupted. "We'll try leaving a few holes and see if she falls for it. We'll have to split up, and I don't like that. But if she's really after Bella, she probably won't try to take advantage of our divided numbers."
"Y/N and Quil have got to be close to joining us." Embry muttered, everyone looked to me, then away again in shame. Just because they accepted their fate, it didn't mean they wanted to share it.
"Well, we can't count on that. Paul, Jared and Embry will take the outer perimeter. Jacob and I will take the inner. We'll collapse in when we've got her trapped."
"What about Charlie?" Bella demanded.
"March Madness is still going." Jacob said, "I think Billy and Harry can manage to keep Charlie down here when he's not at work."
"Wait." Sam held one hand up, his glance flickering between Emily and Bella. "That's what Jacob thinks is best, but you need to decide for yourself. You need to weigh the risks of both options very seriously. You saw this morning how easily thinks can get dangerous here, quickly they get out of hand. If you choose to stay with us, I can't make any guarantees about your safety."
"We won't hurt her." Jacob muttered, glancing at me. I nodded.
Sam acted as if he hadn't heard, "If there's somewhere else you feel safe..."
"I don't want to lead Victoria anywhere else." You could see the nervousness on Bella's face.
Sam nodded. "That's true, it's better to have her here where we can end this." She flinched, looking at and Jacob.
"You'll be careful, right?" I asked. He gave my hand a squeeze as the others began to whoop and whistle.
"Don't worry about us." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "We know what we're doing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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