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I hadn't long been home when a familiar rumbling sounded from outside. I glanced out of the window to see Bella's truck in the driveway and was out of the door just in time to see that the others had arrived.
"I want to talk to you." Bella glared at the group of boys behind Jacob, Sam, Paul, Jared and Embry eying her warily. "Alone."
Jacob looked to Sam, who nodded in approval. My blood boiled, where was my Jacob? I stepped aside to let them pass.
"What's going on?" I gave my friendliest smile, the pair were already engaged in heated conversation.
"I have to go back." Jacob's voice was low, almost a growl. I could feel the rage radiating from him in droves as he turned to walk away.
"Back to Sam!" Bella seethed, you could see the hurt on her face as he walked away. I was relieved that it wasn't just me that had noticed it, Jacob acting as if he needed Sam's permission.
"That's one way of looking at it." He grumbled to himself.
I cleared my throat, stepping between them. Jacob faltered. I understood what Sam's concerns were, but this surely couldn't be the answer. Surely he could hear our pain.
"Go home Bella, I can't hang out with you anymore." Jacob stormed into the house and I watched as her expression twisted into pain. I made my way over, the rain soaking us through.
"Bella," I hesitated, unsure of what to say. "Im sorry. This isn't about you. We just..." I glanced back at the house, "Sometimes things just get in the way." I wrapped my arms around her, furious as Jacob.
"Why? Sam got to you both and now he won't let you have any other friends?"
I shook my head sadly, "It isn't like that Bella. I can't talk about it. I'm on a pretty similar page with you when it comes to Sam, though."
"Don't quit on me now... I can't take it." I watched as she broke, splintering into pieces. I tightened my grip as if it would keep her together.
"I promise Bella, this isn't what you think. Okay?" I felt a lump grow in my throat. This felt like some kind of final goodbye. "Jacob just... He's not good..."
"What?" She was confused and appalled. "What are you saying? You're so much better than I am. You're both so good, who told you that you aren't? Sam?" She was yelling again, my own tears were falling now, I was grateful for the disguise of the rain.
"No Bella. Things are just... Different."
"You're my friend, that's what you are. Y/N -" I could feel the collective gaze on my back, I sighed, my arms dropping to my sides.
"I'm sorry Bella. I'll call Charlie, tell him you're on your way. I'll stop by soon." I couldn't meet her eyes as I spoke. I turned away, defeated, and made my way back towards the house. I didn't agree with Sam, but I couldn't go against Jacob either. It wasn't safe for Bella.

Jacob was waiting behind the door, everyone crowded into the too-small living room. "What the hell was that?" I asked, enraged. The others exchanged looks. Bella's desperate pleas echoed loudly in my head. This wasn't right. This couldn't be it. I stepped away from Jacob, turning to the others.
"I can't do it, Sam. I won't lose everyone over this."
"You have to." His tone has an edge of warning, "For the greater good."
"And what about me? Why do I have to give everything up? I refuse to believe that there's no other way." He rose from his seat, towering over me. It must have been a sight. Sam and the boys on one side, myself and Jacob on the other.
"To protect the tribe."
"Bella isn't a vampire." I seethed, "And I won't be intimidated into ruining everything I love."
I watched as Sam's jaw worked, he was about to speak when a warm hand landed on my shoulder.
"Come on, Y/N."
"And you." I turned to Jacob, "How could you last night?"
"How could you? I never took you as someone cruel." He flinched. He knew I was right. I was out of the door before anyone could respond, slamming the door behind me.

"Hey, Y/N." A warm hand on the shoulder pulled me from my slumber. It was dark outside, so I must have been out a while. Jacob was beaming, his broad smile flashing his white teeth.
"Jake?" I reached out and switched on the lamp, the light stinging my already sore eyes. I hesitated, my head pounding.
"So listen," He was all energy, excited and raring to go. "I figured something out."
The reason for my headache came back to me. My eyes felt hot and raw, all cried out but still in pain. I waited for more explanation.
"We can't tell Bella, but if she figured it out then we're in the clear." He waited for his words to sink in, I furrowed my brow.
"And how do you think that will go? Do you forget that we've got some kind of in-built walkee-talkee system?" I asked skeptically, he shuffled onto the bed beside me.
"When she first came to La Push, I told her some of our stories. I told her about the Cold Ones being the natural enemies of the Wolf. She was pretty tired, but she'll figure it out." He turned to me, the gleam in his eye softening as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "I couldn't stand seeing you hurt, not like that. I had to do something. They weren't happy I visited, but I made sure not to tell her, to think about how I couldn't." His voice was soft, his touch gentle, as he spoke. My heart raced in my chest.
"Thank you." My words were barely a whisper. Captivated by his gaze, my body moved of it own accord. My hand made its way into his soft hair, pulling his lips to mine. The kiss was hesitant at first, we hadn't been able to be together much lately, but it quickly turned into something more passionate. Jacob returned the kiss, only hand resting on my hip, the other holding the back of my head. We kissed messily. We kissed aggressively. We kissed like two people, destined to be together, that had missed one another for eternities.
"Do you think they can hear this?" I asked, Jacob smiled against my lips.
"Honestly? I don't care."

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