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My pull to Jacob led to a long night. I awoke in a tangle of sheets, clothes disregarded on the floor.
"Hey." He turned and made his way over, taking my chin in his hand and kissing me gently. Daylight had barely broken outside, yet he was getting dressed.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Bella stopped by. I think she's figured it out." I was instantly awake. His smile was infectious.
"Do you need me to come with you?"
"No, it's better if I don't tell you anything, if I think about it someone might listen in."
"Good point." I looked around the room as I got out of bed, I was suddenly grateful that Billy had been out late last night...
"Of course, I could stay with you for a while." The husky tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine, the thought of his skin on mine again was almost too intoxicatingly good to resist.
"I'd love that." I sighed, "But it isn't fair to keep Bella waiting." I kissed his cheek. He made a frustrated noise before heading to the door.
"I'll see you later, Honey."

The sky was a dull grey outside, the sun attempting to poke through the clouds. I kept myself busy, anything to give Bella and Jacob the time that they needed. By midday, we were all on our way to meet Sam and the others.
We met on the dirt road behind the beach. Bella's anxiety was palpable, her hands shaking.
"You okay?" I asked, she shook her head.
"Are you... you know?" She asked, her hands trembling. I nodded.
"I am. But not yet." I gave her a small smile. "Jake won't let anything happen to you." They had filled me in on the drive, Jacob warning me that the others weren't happy. Bella had figured it out, but had thought the Protectors were responsible for the killings, that they were murderous monsters. Jacob had explained everything, how they only killed vampires, including Laurent. And now we were waiting on Victoria to make her move. Only, her objective was to kill Bella.
The pack emerged from the treeline, menacingly synchronised. I stepped forward with Jacob, keeping Bella behind us. The others expression shifted to an even greater fury.
"What have you done Jacob?" Sam demanded. Paul pushed past him, his eyes blazing. "Why can't you just follow pack rules, Jacob?" He threw his arms into the air, then turned his glare to me, "What the hell are you thinking? Is the more important than everything - than the whole tribe? Than the people getting killed?"
"This is nothing to do with Y/N. And Bella can help." Jacob was quiet in his words.
"Help!" Paul was shaking now, his arms quivering. It was unusual for him to have a short fuse, but it was intimidating. "Oh, that's likely! I'm sure the leech-lover is just dying to help us out!"
"Don't talk about her like that."
"Paul! Relax." Sam commanded, but it was too late. Paul was fighting for control, shaking his head back and forth, trying to push it down. He seemed to have the hardest time controlling himself.
"Jeez Paul," Jared muttered, "Get a grip." Paul twisted his head towards Jared, his lips curl ping back into a snarl. Then his gaze shifted to us. Jacob stepped forward instinctively.
"Right, protect her!" Paul roared in outrage as his body shuddered. Another convulsion heaved through his body. He threw his head back, a snarl tearing from behind his teeth.
"Paul!" Sam and Jacob shouted in unison, I could feel my own wolf rising. Paul fell forward, a ripping sound breaking over his growl, his dark silver body breaking out from under his skin. The wolf's muzzle wrinkled back over his teeth, it's enraged eyes focusing on Bella.
In the same second, Jacob was sprinting in it's direction. "Jacob!" Bella screamed, paralysed with fear. I pulled her towards me as a shiver ran down Jacob's spine and he leapt into the air, his own wolf bursting through. My body felt instantly charged, I wanted to run in there. To take on the huge, black wolf.
"Stay where you are." Sam ordered.
Jacob charged, a rust-coloured blur, tackling Paul. Little could be heard over the snarls as Jacob pushed him back, clearly the stronger of the two. I was shaking, watching as Jacob slammed into Paul, forcing him back into the trees.
"Take her to Emily's." Sam ordered, kicking off his shoes and chasing after the two. It wasn't long before the snarls ceased, cut short by what was undoubtedly Sam, 'I strongly suggest that you both back down. Now.'
The remaining boys snickered, moving forward to collect the shreds of clothing. Bella looked like she could faint any moment. "You okay?" I tried, and failed, to keep my voice level.
"Totally shredded." Jared was shaking his head, holding up the tattered remains of Jacob's sneakers. "Billy said this was the last pair he could afford - guess Jacob's going barefoot now."
"This one survived." Embry held up the other, "Jake can hop." He added with a laugh. The boys continued collecting the torn garments, wadding them up into a ball. They began to place bets on who would win the fight, my money was on Jacob, even if it worried me sick not knowing what was going on right now.
"Woah, you good there, Y/N?" Jared asked, but I didn't have to answer.
"New bet, if there's even a scratch on Jacob, Y/N is going to rip Jared to shreds."

I designated myself as driver. The boys sat in the back, Bella in the passenger seat. She looked sick. "Hey," I smiled, "It'll be okay." I reassured, although unsure who I was reassuring. "So, the vampire the boys caught, he wasn't your friend?" I needed a distraction, so I chose the furthest thing from werewolves that I could think of.
"Laurent." Bella shuddered, "No, he's not my friend."
"Good. Because they've been worrying that they broke the treaty." I pulled off of the main road and started along the track that lead to Sam's house.
"Why would killing Laurent break the treaty?"
"Well, if they attack one of them on their turf, we break it. If they bite a human, they break it. Jake wasn't so keen on letting it get that far."
"I'm glad they didn't wait."
"Me too, Bella." My hands began to steady, "Me too."

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