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The riding lessons continued for a few weeks, accompanied by more ER trips. In the end, I carried a first aid kit wherever we went, just in case. I'd also given Jacob a good talking to. I had been under the impression that Charlie knew about this, but I guess it was my own fault for believing he would ever actually allow it.
Bella gradually improved. She became steadier and more confident on the bike, with less scrapes and bruises. I was surprised when Bella complained one Friday. "Charlie's getting nosy."
"Maybe we should cool it with the bikes. At least for a week or two." Jacob suggested. I liked that idea, it was getting a bit much having to spend time in the ER every week.
"What are we going to do?"
"Whatever we want."
"How about hiking?" I suggested, Billy had already asked me how Bella had been liking it, she'd obviously lied to Charlie. "Charlie already thinks you're doing it, so why not?"
She thought for a moment, then her face brightened, "Well, I found this place in the forest once - I came across it when I was um, hiking. A little meadow, the most beautiful place. I don't know if I could track it down again on my own. It would take a few tries..."
"We could use a compass and a grid pattern, and Y/N's in build sense of direction." He winked at me, head crept into my face. "Do you know where you started from?"
"Yes, just below the trailhead where the one-ten ends. I was going mostly south, I think."
"Cool. We'll find it."

I was excited, lacing up my boots that Saturday. With Bella around so much, I hadn't been on a hike in weeks. I was itching to go. I headed into the living room to see Jacob sprawled across the floor, marking his grid. "Maybe we'll see the super-bear." He joked, Billy chuckled.
"Maybe you should take a jar of honey, just in case."
"I hope you're still fast Y/N." He looked up from the map, "One jar won't keep a bear distracted for long."
"I only have to be faster than you."
"Good luck with that."
Bella arrived shortly after and we bundled into the truck, debating who was most likely to be the super-bear's victim. It was a unanimous decision: Bella. We got out and followed Bella into the dense wall of green, Jacob tracking our movements with the map. I stretched out my fingers, brushing them across the ferns and leaves. The cold air fresh, cleaner than in town.
"I went this way." Bella murmured, pointing straight ahead.
"I would have figured you for a trail kind of girl." Jacob commented, but shrugged and pressed on anyway. You could tell that Bella had little experience hiking, if any, her boots were brand new and not only was she clumsy, but slow. I didn't mind. I had missed these woods, the smell of the earth after rain, the crisp air.
"So... how are things with Embry?" Bella asked. Jacob stiffened. "Still with Sam."
"Yup." I gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"Still looking at you funny?"
"And Billy?"
"As helpful as ever." Jacob draped his arm over my shoulder as we walked, the contact sent sparks skittering across my skin.
"Our couch is always open." He laughed, it was a sad laugh, I didn't like it.
"But think of the position that would put Charlie in, when Billy reported his kidnapping." I attempted to lighten the mood, Jacob smiled a little.
We rested after six miles or so, then cut west for a while before heading back along one of the lines of his grid. The overcast light dimmed to darkness, the clouds remaining in the sky. A starless night.
"We'll find it." I assured. Bella wasn't very good at hiding her disappointment.
"As long as you're sure we're starting from the right place." Jacob glanced down at us.
"Yes I'm sure."
"Then we'll find it." I promised, wading a path in the ferns for Bella to follow.
"You guys are good. Next time, we should bring a flashlight though." Bella had worried when it got dark, Jacob had struggled to see the map and handed over the lead to me. "She's a natural." He declared proudly when we reached the road, "I told you not to worry."

We didn't find the meadow. Bella was insistent that it existed, but the illusive clearing never appeared in any of our excursions. For someone non-athletic, she was really throwing herself into it. It was a change from a few months ago at least, or so Jacob told me.
My relationship with Jacob had taken a turn. Although I didn't get the kind of time with him that I used to, I felt my feelings grow, and I got the notion that maybe they were reciprocated. I'd catch glances of him watching me when he thought I wasn't looking, he was a lot more touchy than usual, protective even. Quil teased him about it often, but he brushed it off with a shy smile or a scuffle.

The house was quiet as I got ready. Suspiciously so. It was early, so I hoped I might be able to sneak out before anyone noticed. I'd hit the library for the morning, then come back around lunch. I was wrong. As soon as I made it into the living room, I was greeted by balloons, banners and a small stack of presents. "Happy birthday!" Jacob was ready on time for once, standing beside Billy.
"Thanks guys." Birthdays were always a sore one for me, but not for the typical reason. I smiled, sitting down on the sofa. Billy handed me the first present.
"This is from me," He started, "But also your parents." I pulled away the wrapping paper and looked down to see a scrapbook. "I never knew the right time to give it to you. But I think that time would be now." I opened the book to the first page. My fingers running over the lightly aged paper. A letter, in my Mothers handwriting, and a photo of the three of us. I swallowed, tears pricking my eyes.
"Thank you." If I looked at it know, I would break to pieces. I set it aside. "I'm happy you gave this to me."
Jacob was next, he sat beside me and gave my hand a squeeze before handing over a small white box. I opened the lid to see the most beautiful dreamcatcher. Willow branches had been intertwined to form a circle, beads decorating the tendrils that hung below, with the charm of a wolf in the centre. I recognised that craftsmanship anywhere. "It's beautiful, thank you Jacob." I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Where did you find the time to do this?"
He pulled back with a smile, "Mechanics isn't the only thing I get up to late at night."
He reached behind himself and produced another present, I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. In his hand, decorated with a white bow, was a jar of honey.
"I figured you'd need this." He smirked, "In case of bears."
I rolled my eyes, reading the tag attached to the bow.

Bee my Valentine?

I looked back up at him, a hint of red in his cheeks. "Are you going to let the bears have me?" I asked, smiling so much that it hurt.
"No." He answered, his voice low, "Because I really like you, Honey."

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