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The best part about birthdays is that you can get away with almost anything. Like skipping school. That was the part Jacob was most excited about. "I believe in hands on learning." He would always say, groaning when it didn't wash with Billy.
"So what do you want to do today?" Jacob asked over breakfast, I thought for a moment.
"I thought I could go to La Push, get some peace before everyone comes to make a fuss later." He seemed to like the idea. It was warm for a day in February, we would get the beach to ourselves while the others were in school.
"Cliff diving?" He suggested, I shrugged.
"Why not."

The sun was shining when we reached the beach. It had broken through the clouds and I swore I could detect some blue peeking through. We made our way across the beach, making our way up the cliff to the first ledge. Jacob immediately stripped down, eager to make the most of the day. "Someone's eager." I smiled, sitting with my back against the cliff.
"It's been a while since I had the chance to do this." He turned, walking towards the edge. I watched the movement of his muscles, the way they expanded and contracted as he moved. He had no idea how handsome he really was, either that or he didn't care. He took a few steps back and flashed his brilliant smile, "Are you sure you don't wanna join?"
"Not yet. I've got some reading." I patted the scrapbook, he shrugged, taking a few steps beach before racing forward. He leapt into the air, whooping hollering as he fell. There was a splash and a moment of silence, followed by a "That was awesome!" from below.
I smiled to myself and opened the scrapbook. I would save the letter for later, I didn't want to make myself cry right now, so I looked over the photos. They started from birth, my parents happy faces smiling back at me, candid images of me growing up. In the hazy memories I had, I could remember how they doted on me, these photos were further evidence. It was a bittersweet gift.
As I aged, the photos showed me doing more with my family. Us at the beach, in the woods, me sleeping on my Fathers lap at a bonfire. Each photo felt like a glimpse at a different life, one that I barely remembered. I didn't notice Jacob return until his cold skin brushed against mine.
"You were a cute kid."
"Thanks." I glanced at him, "It's weird to look at."
"What is?"
"My family." I answered, "To see me with parents. All I've ever known is me, you and Billy."
He took in my answer, threading his fingers through mine. He didn't need to say anything, the gesture was enough. Kind Jacob. Reliable Jacob. Like the sun on a cloudy day.
"Come on." I said, closing the book and putting it back in my bag, "I wanna jump."
"And I thought you were still scared." He teased, I glared at him, then removed my clothes. I pretended that I didn't see him looking at my swimsuit clad body.
"I was fourteen." I grumbled, stepping forward. I didn't think as I ran forward, propelling myself off the edge. I fell for a few seconds, the air whipping at my hair, before hitting the water. It was cold, a shock to the system. I pushed my body upwards through the water, surfacing just as Jacob landed alongside me.
His head appeared above water, his grin wild.
"See, not scared."
"Sure." He began the swim back to shore, I followed. He waited as I emerged from the sea.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Yes?" I was alongside him now, he stopped walking, the waves running over our feet.
"What would you do if you were scared of losing someone, but also scared of not being honest with them?" He asked, I studied his face, unsure what he meant.
"I'd be honest. Honesty is the best policy." I answered hesitantly. He stepped forward, taking my hand in his.
"Then I guess I have to be honest." His voice was low as he closed the gap between us, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. When he pulled away, I stood still, stunned for a moment.
"Jake..." I watched as his face fell, fear flooded my veins. I reached up, pulling his face down to mine, kissing with more force than probably necessary. His arm wrapped around my waist, his other hand moving through my hair. I pulled away, breathless. "Thank you for being honest."

When I got home, the party was in full swing. Lights decorated the path to the house, which was covered in bunting and streamers. Everyone was here, people from school, the Clearwaters, my friends from Forks High, Bella and Charlie. The small house was full to the brim with people, Harry's wife handing out food in the kitchen. Jacob headed straight for the food, while I headed to my room to change.
When I returned, cheers erupted through the house.
"Happy birthday!"
"Many happy returns!"
"Is that a wrinkle?"
"Shut up Quil."
I was even surprised to see Embry, he leaned in the front doorway. I headed over.
"Hey stranger, long time no see." He shifted uncomfortably, "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." He stepped outside, his bulky frame stopping others from passing. I joined him. "Happy birthday Y/N."
"Believe it or not, I've heard that a lot today." I joked, I noticed black lines under his shirt. "Is that a tattoo?" I grabbed his wrist, causing his shirt to ride up and reveal the black line work. The tribes tattoo sat comfortably on his bicep. He glanced into the yard and I followed his gaze. Sam and the others stood in a corner, their little group separate to everyone else. Figures. As if he could feel me watching, Sam looked up, I looked away.
"I, uh, I've gotta go." Embry excused, "Say hi to Jacob for me."
"What? You can tell him yourself." I started as he walked away, "He's just... Inside." I trailed off, watching them walk into the treeline. What was it with those guys? I shrugged, walking back into the house and sitting with Bella, Jacob and Quil.
"There you are." Jacob draped his arm over my shoulder, "Bella was just asking if we wanted to go to the movies with her and some of her friends on Friday night."
"Sure." I nodded, "Sounds like fun."
"That Mike guy is still into her." He informed, I raised my brows.
"As in Mike Newton? Still?" She'd told me all about his attempts to get her on a date, she was running out of ways to let him down gently. "He's  persistent, I'll give him that."
"Persistence isn't such a bad thing. I'd be that persistent with you." This earned a look from Bella, Quil smirking knowingly.
"What are we watching?" I changed the subject.
"You know it's impossible to watch action with Jake, right? He laughs the whole way through."
"It's unrealistic."
"It's annoying. Especially when you actually want to get into the movie." He shrugged.
"She's not wrong." Quil added.
The bickering ensued, the boys going at it with occasional interjections from Bella and I. I sat back and watched it all unfold. Even if I didn't not by blood, I still had a family right here.

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