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"So, how do you feel about Bella and Jacob?" Quil asked. Billy and I had decided, prior to my return, that I would return to school almost immediately, so I spent the next morning begrudgingly getting ready, while Jacob bounced around the house like a maniac. How he could even fathom being a morning person, I would never know.
I wandered down the halls, smiling as people welcomed me back, as teachers told me how they were glad to see me. The only change had been my schedule. I was in most of Jacob's classes, so I hung around with him.
The day passed easily, between my classes I interacted with our friends, Quil and Embry mostly. They interrogated my about my travels, teased me by asking if I'd met any boys. Then teased Jacob when he became annoyed by the questions. I decided to go to the diner with them after lessons, leaving Bella and Jacob to source the parts they needed for the bikes. I didn't really feel like trudging around the dump in the rain.
I gave Quil a funny look, "I don't mind. Why are you asking?" I was cautious with my words, not wanting the boys to break into a whole song and dance. It was no secret that they had been relentlessly tormenting Jacob, they were certain he liked me.
"No reason." He flashed a smile at the waitress as she passed out our meals. My mouth watered at the burger in front of me.
"You know, this is what I missed most about Forks." I said, pointing to my plate.
"The steak is better."
"Is not."
"Is too." I was grateful for how easy it was to talk to, and distract, the boys. I didn't want to talk about Jacob. Not for any bad reason, I just didn't want my body to betray my and colour me pink. I'd done so well at hiding my feelings for the past year or so, I didn't want to give it away now.
"What do you think?" Embry turned the conversation to me, "Medium or well done steak?" They were like two dogs fighting over a bone, I chewed thoughtfully for a moment.

Everyone was sitting in the garden when I got back. You could hear them chattering from the bottom of the path. "Y/N!" Seth waved.
I returned the gesture, "Hey."
That's all it took for the wave of conversation to start. Everyone remarked on how I had grown, how my hair was different, how good it was to have me back. They'd missed me, what was it like in Canada? I answered every question as best I could, feeling like Billy telling one of his stories.
"Was it cold?" Seth asked, usually he would hang around Jacob, taking in his every word. I nodded.
"Freezing. A lot colder than here." I had hoped to chat to Leah, but she was engrossed in her phone.
"Y/N, how was the diner?" Jacob asked, "Did Quil and Embry talk you to death?"
"No. Although I am pretty annoyed that I missed Billy's spaghetti."
The conversation was interrupted by the heavens opening, everyone rushed to the porch, running inside to grab their jackets. The small living room couldn't fit us all. We said our goodbyes and Billy headed off to bed, leaving Jacob and I to our own devices. I slumped on the couch while he sprawled out across the living room floor. The rain hammered on the roof, a cacophony of water.
"Are you working on the bikes tonight?" I asked, Jacob turned to face me.
"I was gonna, but I think I might be about to fall into a food coma." His smile was light.
"You eat enough to feed an army." I remarked, putting my feet up, "I don't know where it all goes." He motioned from his head to his toes.
"It's not fair that you get all that height, look at me." I complained, "I'm barely at your shoulder."
He chuckled, "So? It's cute."
I swallowed nervously, my stomach twisting. "It's annoying. I can't see through all of your fat heads."
"Hey, I'm sensitive, you know." We settled into a comfortable silence and I found myself wondering, what would it be like if it was just us two? Jake and I. Me and him. I thought about it until my eyes drifted shut, the rain and Jacob my only thoughts.

I woke up in bed. Momentarily confused. Jacob must have brought me to bed after I fell asleep. I sighed, annoyed at myself for missing it. There were brief moments, moments like that, where I could be close to him and not worry. That would have been one of them.
I checked the clock, I had an hour to go before I had to get ready, so I settled for making a start on my homework. It was pretty easy, English was my favourite subject after all. By the time I was finished, it was time to get ready.
When we got to school, there was only Quil waiting under the shade of the trees.
"Where Embry?" Jacob asked, it was unsettling to see one without the other.
"He's sick." Quil informed, "He's got the fever."
Every year, a fever would sweep through the tribe. It was strange, it never hit the kids from Forks, just the reservation. But then again, we were a very close community, it wouldn't be hard to spread it among us. If you caught it, you were out for weeks, and nobody could come see you.
"I hope he's okay. We'll have to be careful, it's starting early this year."
Across the lot, I noticed Sam Uley watching intensely. "What's his problem?" Jacob noticed too, "He's looking at us like pieces of meat."
"No idea." I shrugged. He'd always been this way, brooding and authoritative. More so with Jacob than anyone. We assumed it was something to do with his Chief lineage.
The bell rang and we headed inside, making our way to first lesson.
"Did you do your homework?" I asked Jacob.
"Nah. Bella is coming over tonight, we can all do it together."
"Oh." I felt a pang of jealousy, "I finished mine already."
"Seriously? You've been back a day. It's only due in next week." He followed me into the classroom, taking his seat beside me.
"What can I say, I'm a good student."

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