Chapter 7

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"Ssshhhhh he is waking up". Kevin whispered.

"Charles? Can you hear me?" Grace said softly. Oh my god, my head is screaming, I think I'm on a bed, yep definitely on a bed, I'm laying down, I need to open my eyes whatever these swirls I see in the darkness are not helping me. Slowly I opened them. Grace and Kevin came into focus leaning over me.

"Oh, good you are awake" Kevin said looking relieved "You look bad".

"thanks," I said, in a very grotty tone. I tried to sit up, and Grace grabbed my arm quickly. "I'm fine, Grace thank you... what happened?" Kevin and Grace looked at each talking with their eyes, urging the other to talk.

"Your jaw was broken sweetie," said a soft heavenly voice, I moved slowly to my left. There was a pale young woman in her twenties in a flowy white dress and no shoes on, flowers in her silver long hair and a flower necklace, and shockingly blue eyes, "hello, I am Miss Betty and I am the doctor here at Kingsborn, nice to meet you... drink this it will help with your headache" miss betty handed me a silver case with purple goo that smells like feet.

"Thank you," I said and took the bottle and purposely wafted it under Kevin's face and watched his mouth wow, "3,2,1." I drank it in one go, the smell was misleading, and it tasted like strawberries. And the pounding was gone, I could think now. "How did I end up here?" I asked.

"Some guild member appeared after you hit the floor alone with two 5th years" Kevin said, "they started examining you and then the guild member made you float, and they ran off along with you".

"How was I hurt? I have been hitting people in the face a lot during the royale! Are they here too?" I looked around the room properly for the first time. I am the only one in a bed here, rows of beds with curtains around them, stairs in the corner that lead upstairs, and an office in the corner, I think that is Miss Betty's office. And windows behind me that look over the backfield, the library across from it and the stairs that the cafeteria is under.

"Nobody was hurt," Grace said calmingly "apart from you".

"My mum and dad and yours are furious". Kevin said, "And Lincoln yikes, I felt the heat come from him".

"he's not joking! Lincoln had heat coming from him, according to your dad when we asked it was a fire mage thing, and then he mad and started knocking everybody out! He won the entire thing! Kevin came second".

"I wasn't going to fight him for first, I don't have a death wish".

"of course, he did" I giggled "Where is he? And Yasmin?"

"With our parents, trying to find out what happened" The door burst open and Dad came in looking insane and then relieved when he saw me, he looked at Miss Betty and she said.

"he's okay and is free to leave".

"Thank you" Dad said, "you three come on" I went to step out of the bed and then realised I was still in the magic suit while Grace and Kevin were in school uniforms.

"Uniform is in the bag," Kevin said when handing me my school bag, we left in silence and made it our way through the school, past some families, eagerly walking closer to us and trying to listen in. Out the front of the school were, Mum and Lincoln and the rest of the Church, Marvin, Tracy and Yasmin. I stepped down the stairs and Mum hugged me,

"we'll talk at the guild" she said "We will bring the suit back tomorrow, let's go" Lincoln still looked angry, and Tracy ran her hands through my hair trying to fix whatever was going on with it. We walked through the big walls towards the portal and into the central station and made our way through the crowds, that slowly began to recognize my parents and then myself, we went through central and fast and out into the station closest to us, we didn't go home now we walked the other way past a lovely smelling restaurant and coffee shop.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now