chapter 8

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September rolled into October, like a pumpkin down a hill, and equally disastrous too, and like a pumpkin splattered into bits, scattered all over the the place, my life has become similar. Since my reveal day, I have found out I am the only dark mage in the world, which comes with the wonderful perks of being hated and loathed for something I did not choose! And the joyful experience of grown-ups attacking me has happened four times up to now. The first time I was walking to the guild, I had left the transmission station, still in my school uniform after a long day of dirty looks and name-calling, it's gotten gradually worse because a rebellion has decided I'm the face of the operation.

"Charles!, Kevin!" Terry shouted the small guy from the guild. "Move out of the way" We had jumped to the side and Terry flung himself forward and caught a magical sword that whizzed past me.

"You have to die dark mage" said the crazy man "People are dying because of you!"

"I didn't do anything!" I responded. "I didn't choose this". Terry hit the crazy man with a spell that made his legs become jelly waving about like a balloon wearing a jacket in a tornado, a second later Terry hit him with another spell, and he began running on the spot.

After that, I began getting an escort from the transmission centre to the guild and waited for Mum and Dad to come back from whatever mission they were on, their recent missions have been on animals or monsters that have been stolen and brainwashed into doing the bidding of evil teams. The other attacks were easier to fend off, especially with a guard now, Tracy froze two women on the spot. Mr. Bridges made a man run into a wall and finally, a group of 10 decided it was time to go big and made the mistake of doing it on the day that Dad and Marvin were picking me up, a quick fight, very quick! One guy's hair still won't go down, Marvin saw him recently and said he looked like a 90s punk rocker. Three of them had no eyebrows, and one had no hair, and she was fuming about that. It's calmed down now, thank God no one has tried to attack me in two weeks, outside of school, inside has been well, different to how I imagined it would have been. I'm the only student in my year who hasn't had a practical elemental lesson. Kevin has been using his electric magic to turn on light bulbs of different voltages, Grace has been trying to make her fingertip glow. No idea what Charlotte, Ethan or Tori are doing, they haven't spoken a word to me.

Lincoln has been making waves, playing his part in the school team Scorpio, he was in a game of capture the flag against team Taurus, and Tim captured the flag for a team Scorpio win, most students would go up in the rankings if they had won but Lincoln doesn't need the help, he is currently ranked #1 out of all the second years. And speaking of Rankings Kevin is #1 out of the first years. I was #11 I got it on a piece of paper the next school day after the royale. I like being #11, for one, it's not public knowledge, only the top 10 is and since I know I am thanks to my piece of paper, and I have shown Kevin and Grace it and now we laugh when anyone claims to be #11.

On a lighter note, I got to go visit the animals in Alvin's shop, but I mainly spent my time with the dog in the cage, it's become a lot friendlier wagging it's tail so fast when it sees me., I haven't got a name for it yet and more good news, Grace's mum has gotten a job at the guild she works behind the guild with Madam Morris, she seems a lot happier and has put on weight, now she looks healthier, and the even happier person is Grace, she loves being around the guild, they even moved into one of the flats upstairs, I snuck her the light mage grimoire that my Grandparents bought me, I slide it to her during our form class lesson and told her.

"You dropped this yesterday" She was very confused and then she realised what was going on and thanked me for picking it up.

Today I am looking forward to school, currently sitting here listening to Mr. Ridgewell, talk about this week's ongoing at the school, wishing he would hurry up because today I have my first practical elemental lesson.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now