The New Boy

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Me again!

If you're still reading this, thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

For my Percy Jackson lovers, this is the chapter where he (finally) comes in.

Let's begin!

Ron's POV:

To say that I was mad would be an understatement. Fred and George have jeopardised the whole wizarding world, and now they were asking for suggestions?  I'm going to kill them.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one with that thought. All of the students erupted into shouts of threats and rage. Fred and George looked like they were planning their funerals.

"SILENCE!" Professor McGonagall shouted. Everyone automatically became silent. "I do not deny that this was a terrible mistake on the Weasley twin's part, but what's done is done. All we can do now is figure out what to do before our friend comes. Now, does anyone have a suggestion?"

A fourth grader put up his hand. "Could we pretend that we are a just a normal school who has no clue how we arrived here?"

"That's a possibility, but he'll likely get suspicious," George said.

Pansy Parkinson called out from the Slytherin table. "Couldn't we just go on as normal for a few minutes - saying that we're a school full of wizards and witches - and then say that this was all a prank by those Stoll brothers?"

"That's a good idea, but that's still risky," McGonagall said. "If even one person makes a mistake, we're all gone."

At this, Hermoine raised her hand. "What about we quickly knock him out before he can figure out where he is?" Hermoine was being violent? That's a first. "We can put him back in his house and make him think it was all a dream. He couldn't track us down with so little to go on."

"Yes, that would work!" Fred cheered audibly. "Okay, if I may—"

"Me and Fred want to be the ones to knock him out," George finished.

"It was our mistake—"

"And we want to fix it."

"Yes, that seems only right," McGonagall mused. "But we're having a little conversation afterwards. Understand?" Fred and George gulped.

Before they could reply, the air shifted, and a teenage boy fell onto the ground in front of the entire hall.

Hermoine's POV:

The guy was no older than 17. He was wearing blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants. You could see his natural tan could only come from being out in the sun a lot. You could see his muscles from under his shirt. When he lifted his head in a gaze, the entire hall gasped. He had the most peculiar sea green eyes that swirled like hurricanes. His eyes were so mesmerising that you could spend hours looking at them and not get bored. But there was something broken about them, like he'd seen too much for one person to handle. All in all, he was the most handsome guy I'd ever seen.

The guy steadily stood up and awkwardly waved. "Um. . . hi?" he said.

Shock worn off, Fred and George both took out their wands and shouted, "Petrificus Totalus!" at the same time.

But the kid was quick. He instantly lowered into a squat, easily avoiding the spells. He ran further through the Great Hall.

"Seriously? What'd I do?" he shouted whilst running.

At this, everyone from 2nd year and up stood up and started casting spells his way. The 1st years watched in awe as he dodged them all and continued to advance through the Hall.

Everyone was continuously shouting spells until a lady in a Greek chiton appeared next to him and shielded him from the spells.

"Enough!" she shouted. Everyone immediately stopped casting spells. Even the 1st years knew about Lady Hecate, and they all started gaping at her.

"Can someone please explain why you are shooting at young Perseus here?" Perseus? That was an odd name.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward. "My Lady, this boy is a muggle. He cannot be here. He could expose the wizarding world and endanger it and every wizard and witch there is."

"So that's why you all started shooting at me!" Perseus snapped his fingers. "You could've just said so."

"Well, we couldn't take any chances."

"What chances would you be taking?" Lady Hecate scoffed. "I doubt Perseus would endanger his own kind."

"My Lady?" McGonagall's eyes widened.

"Oh, I guess I must do the introductions." Lady Hecate turned to the entire hall. "Everyone, this is Perseus Jackson, a 17-year-old wizard.

So. . . what do you guys think? If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Also, don't worry. Percy's POV will be coming up in the next chapter.


See you in the next chapter!

Chloe :)

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