Let The Investigation Begin!

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Come one, come all!

Watch as the Golden Trio become invested in proving that Percy is a Death Eater.


But what will happen?

Well. . .

I don't know :)

Hermoine's POV:

I'll admit it, I was sad. Percy was just so nice and kind, I wanted to hang out with him and be his friend.

But a Death Eater? There's no way that I can hang out with him. And don't tell Ron this, but that really disappointed me.

When we entered the Great Hall the next day, we saw Percy fooling around with Neville. He seemed to be telling a story, waving his hands in wild gestures. He was making everyone laugh profusely. That made me even sadder that he was a Death Eater.

Although Lady Hecate was nowhere to be seen, Fred and George Weasley were still here. For what reason, I did not know, but I was curious to find out.

When we sat down, Percy immediately turned to us and asked how we slept. Seriously? Why does he have to be so nice?

As we were eating breakfast, Fred and George came up to Percy.

"Hey Percy!" George said.

"How are you settling in?" Fred asked.

"Pretty good, thanks." Percy replied. "But I still have some twins to prank." Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out 2 chocolate frogs. "Want one?"

"Don't mind—" Fred started.

"If we do." George finished.

They both took the chocolate frogs and ate them at the same time. Almost immediately, their face was covered in orange hair. I gasped at the sight whilst Ron laughed. Me and Harry both slapped him on the arm.

"What the—" George shouted.

"Heck!" Fred added.

Whilst everyone in the hall was gasping, Percy was doubling over laughing. He then sat up straight and looked serious. "Please don't ever make the Stoll's send me somewhere without my permission. I really don't appreciate it."

"How did you know?" Fred and George said at the same time.

"The Stoll brothers would never be smart enough to pull off a weird portal. And I heard from Neville here," Percy gestured Neville, who smiled sheepishly. "That you two are quite the pranksters. It was easy to put two and two together."

"Sorry," the twins mumbled, walking away.

"Oh, and by the way!" Percy called. "Never trust the Stoll's with your items. They can accidentally fall into the wrong hands." With that, Percy went back to his conversation with us like nothing ever happened.

Harry's POV:

If he wasn't a Death Eater, me and Percy would have gotten along great. But he is, and we have to prove it.

Because he was wearing a robe, we couldn't see his arm. And he seemed to know that we were watching it, so there was no point on trying to pull up his sleeve.

As we were eating breakfast, I noticed that Percy poured something green on his food, then continued eating as normal. I looked at Ron and Hermoine, and they had clearly seen it too. Ron looked horribly offended.

McGonagall provided Percy with a wand. It was jet black with grey slithering up. There was an owl and a trident engraved in blue. For some reason, it looked like it was made for Percy.

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