Hermoine's Grand Plan

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Hello guys! I know that I've done a lot of Harry's POVs, but I think that this story is better with it like that. I will include other POVs at the end if everything goes according to plan.

Also, I think I need to stop promising a schedule because I can NEVER STICK to it. Trust me, no one is more annoyed than me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Percy's POV:

If I had it my way, I'd get rid of more of Voldemort's limbs than just a nose. He was endangering the entire castle - from my body, I may add - and I could do nothing except watch and receive pain. If you haven't realized by now, this wasn't a good day for me.

Whilst I was watching everything happen, I saw that Voldemort was heading outside and towards the Black Lake. I didn't know what he was doing, but then I remembered that lakes had water - an easy mistake to make - and realised that he probably wanted to use my water abilities. For what, I didn't know, but I did know that Hermoine, Ron, and Harry better hurry up with whatever they were planning.

When some students saw me, they all ran away looking scared out of their minds. I knew instantly that they were warned of Voldemort's return. I could tell that he wanted to pulverize everyone he saw, but he kept his eyes on the prize and kept walking.

As Voldemort was making his way to the Black Lake, I tried to think of a way to stop him. I couldn't do anything without feeling pain, and I'd already endured so much that I'd probably pass out. No, there had to be a different way to beat him. Outsmarting someone has never been my strength, and I couldn't talk Voldemort into releasing me from his control.

I could do nothing.

Harry's POV:

In all the years that I've known Hermoine, I've learned that I should never interrupt her when a plan is forming. By the time we'd warned the students about Voldemort and informed the teachers of his return - and managed to tone down the anger and sadness the students were feeling - all three of us were tired and wanted to rest. However, Hermoine always figures out a way to get us on our feet and help us save the day.

"Where are we going, 'Moine?" Ron asked for the fourth time.

"To the dorms," she replied again. No matter how many times Ron asked, Hermoine would never give us any other details. At this point, I was wondering if she was making up a plan as we were walking, but I didn't dare to ask.

When we got to the Gryffindor dorm, instead of going into her dorm like I expected, we headed into my dorm. I exchanged a curious glance with Ron before following.

When we went into the dorm, we saw Hermione looking through Percy's stuff. She looked frustrated like she was looking for something.

When she turned to see Ron and I standing awkwardly, she looked at us weirdly.

"Well?" she asked. "Get looking!"

"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked though I was scared to hear the answer.

Hermione sighed like she was too busy to explain this to us.

"Do you two remember what Percy said when we played Truth or Dare?" she asked. "He told us that his dream girl was someone who had blonde hair, grey eyes, and was athletic. He told us about her like he knew her like the back of his hand!"

"So what?" Ron asked. "I still don't get the point of this." I had to agree. I didn't have the faintest clue what was going on.

Hermione sighed. "He ignored me when I said that his dream girl probably didn't exist and told us that he wouldn't go to the Yule Ball with any girl, and the theme was in love. Tell me that you guys are understanding where I'm going with this."

Although Ron blatantly shook his head, something in my head clicked, like the final piece of the puzzle.

"She does exist," I gasped.

"Exactly," Hermione said, relieved that someone finally understood her madness. "He wouldn't betray the girl he loved, especially if she was his girlfriend."

The more that I thought about it, the more it made sense. Of course a guy like Percy had a girlfriend. Practically all the single girls wanted to be with him. However, I was still incredibly confused about why a girlfriend was important in this case.

Ron had the same thought. "Why do we need to know whether or not Percy has a girlfriend?" he asked.

"Because," Hermoine started. "When I was doing some light reading, it turns out that strong emotions can knock people out of mind control. A few nights ago, I created a new spell as well as a potion. If we can find a few items that remind Percy of his girlfriend, I should be able to connect him with those emotions and give him the incentive he needs to get Voldemort out of his head."

Hermoine turned back and started looking again. Seeing no better option, Ron and I joined in and began searching. I looked through clothes, books and so many more items. I couldn't believe how much stuff this dude had!

When I was giving up all hope, I noticed a photo sticking out of a pocket of Percy's spare robes. When I took it out, I saw a picture of Percy and a girl kissing underwater. The girl had honey blonde curls and an athletic figure. They were both wearing the same orange shirt and beaded necklace. I could see figures standing above the water, no doubt cheering for them.

"Here!" I said triumphantly. At the same time, Hermoine and Ron pulled out two photos as well. We all looked at each other humorously.

We all looked at the photos. Ron found one from a photo booth, where Percy and the girl were taking funny pictures and kissing each other. Hermoine found one where Percy was dancing in the rain with the same girl.

"This should be good enough!" Hermoine declared. She snatched the photos and ran out of the dorm.

"Hermoine!" Ron called, running after her. I followed his example.

"What are you planning to do?" he asked when we caught up with her.

Hermoine turned and looked at us gravely. "We're going to get Percy back."

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading!

Once again, I'm so sorry about not posting sooner!

Until next time!

- Chloe :)

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