I'm Going to Kill Him!!

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, in this chapter, it's not going to be that long. It's going to be Annabeth's POV since we haven't seen her in this entire fanfiction.

I hope you enjoy it!

Annabeth's POV:

It had been one month. One month since Percy went missing.

We've checked everywhere in the country. We've contacted Camp Jupiter, but even they can't find anything. The Amazon's and The Hunters of Artemis have been searching day and night.

And no one's found anything.

The only person who seems to be calm is Chiron. Instead of searching for Percy, Chiron spends his time in the Big House, either playing pinochle with Mr D or working on some mystery project.

The only people who seem to know about it are the Stoll brothers. They're always whispering and following Chiron into the Big House. They refuse to tell me what's going on, no matter what I say or do.

But today, I decided to march into the Big House, not giving a second glance at Argus's curious gaze. Even he's learnt not to question me when I'm determined.

When I found Chiron, he was in centaur mode and looked very tired. He was talking with Conner and Travis, who were crying profusely.

When he noticed me, he gestured Conner and Travis to be quiet, then walked up to me.

"Annabeth. What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm here to talk to you about what you're hiding!" I declared. "You all know something; you're not trying to search for Percy and Conner and Travis are crying. I'm not taking this anymore!"

I took a threatening step forward. "You all better tell me what you know, or I will strangle it out of each and every one of you."

Conner and Travis simultaneously gulped. Chiron sighed in defeat.

"I know where Percy is." Chiron said.

"WHAT?!" I screamed. If he wasn't my mentor, I would have been strangling him. "You know where he is, and you didn't tell us?!"

"I know how it seems. I really do. An old friend of mine - Minerva McGonagall - said that he appeared the school she runs. When they were trying to catch him before he got away - they are a very protective bunch - Lady Hecate appeared. She's the only goddess that they believe in. She told them that he is one of them - which he is - and has to be trained to defend himself."

It took me three seconds to process it. "So we can't get him until when?"

"He has to be there trained for at least a semester. He's already been there for a month. You'll have to wait a lot longer for him to come back."

I tried to not grit my teeth. "Why are the twins here, then?"

Chiron looked at them, gesturing them to speak to me. They both looked extremely hesitant to speak.

"What did you do?" I asked.

Conner gulped. "You know the prank wars?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, well. We met these other pranking twins who had all these cool tools to try out. And they gave us one that they weren't supposed to give us."

Travis took over. "We put it into Percy's suitcase. And when he left, those twins came up to us and said that Percy was not supposed to have that. Something bad would happen. We tried to IM him, but we couldn't get through for some reason."

I nodded slowly. "And you think that object is the reason Percy was sent away?"

"Uh," Conner looked at his brother before turning back to me. "Kinda?"

I took a deep breath and turned to Chiron. "But he's alright?"

"Yes, he's alive and has friends. McGonagall was informed by Hecate that he's a demigod, so she will cover up any odd behaviour."

I sighed in relief and turned back to Conner and Travis. "If he's hurt or killed, I will be making your lives a living Tartarus. Am I clear?"

The Stoll's both nodded profusely. I gave them one last death glare before I left the Big House.

When I got to the Athena Cabin, I took out the biggest book I had - War and Peace - and threw it at the wall, pretending that it was Percy.

"I am going to kill you, Perseus Jackson!"

I'm pretty sure the entire camp heard me.

I'm done!! Thanks so much for reading!!

If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment!

Don't forget to vote!!

Chloe :)

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