Midnight Terrors (Again)

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I'M BACK BABY!! Did you guys miss me?

(Please don't answer that)

I've had an awesome time in Bali, but now I'm ready to jump back into writing!

I'm sorry for not posting in a long time. I've been meaning to update this, but I've had a bit of lack of motivation. I've also been typing up an original story and spent most of my time focusing on that. If you guys want to read a little bit of it, let me know!

I am trying to get back into this story, though. I hope you guys can forgive me.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!

Percy's POV:

Darkness. That's all I saw. Not a single light lit up the stupid, empty void. At this point, I might as well stop going to sleep. Not only did I felt an evil presence nearby, but it was also boring being stuck in the same spot, not being able to move.

Suddenly, the void turned into a dark dining hall, and I could actually see. What a miracle. There were 2 people standing in front of me, looking at me evilly. I immediately realised that they were Psycho 1 and 2. They were uglier than I imagined.

There was this woman with unruly long black hair. Her teeth looked greyish, and her skin was really pale. She had this evil smile on her face, like it was meant to scare me. It didn't work.

The other person was a man. He had no hair and had grey-blue skin. What was even more unsettling was that he had no nose! Seriously, I don't think even I have that kind of luck. Bad genes, I suppose.

Unlike the lady, this guy's smile intimidated me slightly. Sure, it wasn't making me cower and feel the need to run, but I could feel a silent presence of power. Like this guy had done horrible things and enjoyed it. He reminded me of Ares - an idiot in every way but was an expert in creating creative ways to kill people.

"Hello, boy," Sir No-Nose-A-Lot said. "Enjoying your sleep?"

"Not really, no," I said. "If you got your butts out of here, though, it'd be much better."

The lady hissed. "Do not disrespect the Lord!"

Lord Whatever raised his hand, motioning her to be silent. "The boy will learn his manners in due time, Bellatrix. For now, though, let us get acquainted." The dude smiled coldly. I am Lord Voldemort, and this is my trusted advisor, Bellatrix. And you, Percy Jackson, have something that we want."

I blinked. When Lord Voldey-Something didn't say anything, I said, "Are you going to tell me what you want, or....?"

Bellatrix smiled. "I see the ADHD is acting up."

"Yes, it certainly has." Voldey said. "As for what I want..."

In a flash, the guy was suddenly right in front of me. "I want your body."

My first ever time skip dedicated to all of you!

I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. My mouth was dry and I was bleeding a lot. I could barely remember what had happened at first, but then the memories started coming back.

I remember seeing all my worst memories - Tartarus, being dipped into the River Styx - and feeling all the pain at once. I remember seeing my best memories twisted into my worst nightmares. My first proper kiss with Annabeth? I was watching her kiss some Hermes kid. Seeing my mum again? I saw her dead body and Smelly Gabe with a knife.

I felt the curses of the aria inflicted on me again. I felt more curses than before, like I was experiencing every curse I had ever been given. Seriously, why do people like to curse me so much? I felt the guilt I had felt when my friends had died - Bianca, Selena, Chris, Luke. I felt their pain as they died.

Worst of all, I saw Annabeth die right in front of my eyes, whilst I was standing there too scared to do anything. She was being stabbed by Gaea. Annabeth looked at me like I'd betrayed her. And in a way, I had.

Despite all the pain and guilt I felt, my mind circled around what Voldey Snorts said. He wanted my body? What did that mean? I'd asked several times, but nothing had come out of it. Him and his sidekick just smiled and watched as I screamed and begged them to stop.

I was about to collapse from exhaustion when I remembered the last thing Voldey had said to me:

"I shall control you soon, Son of the Sea God."

Once again, I am SO SO SO SO SORRY that I haven't posted on this sooner. I promise that I will do my best to start posting regularly again.

Thank you so much for reading this! I love you guys so much!

*Serious Voice* May the Gods Be With You.

Chloe :)

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