Dates and Dares

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Hello guys!! Welcome back!

So, if you saw my author's note from before, you will know that I'm going away. Please don't expect any new chapters this week. It's extremely unlikely that I'll be able to post anything.

If everything goes to plan, this is the halfway mark! This story should be finished by the end of next month.

Happy holidays to you!!

Harry's POV:

Percy was getting weirder and weirder. When we all shared confused glances, Percy quickly excused himself and ran away before we could ask him questions. Hermoine said that she'd look up the word in the library later.

"So, Ginny," I said, trying to sound casual. "Do you have a date to the dance?"

Ginny raised her eyebrow. "No. Why, are you offering?"

"Nope, just wondering." I went back to my food.

"Harry Potter!" Ginny laughed.

"I'm just kidding!" I said, laughing with her. I stood up and bowed deeply, offering Ginny my hand. "Would Madame Weasley please escort me to the dance?"

"Madame would love to." Ginny stood up, ignoring my hand, and kissed me. Gosh, Hogwarts was better when she was around. I kissed her back before pulling back and sitting down with her.

"So, who do you think Percy's going to ask?" Hermoine asked us.

"I don't know. Why are you wondering?" Ron asked nervously.

Hermoine rolled her eyes at him. "Because, when the theme was announced, he looked wistful; like he knew who he wanted to ask but somehow couldn't."

Leave it to Hermoine to notice something like that.

"I wonder who he was thinking about." Ginny said thoughtfully.

"Well," George said, Fred following behind him. Where did he come from? "There's only one way to find out."

Fred looked at George evilly. "Truth or Dare!" They said at the same time.

God, help us all.

Fred's POV:

When we first heard about Percy, we thought he'd have blonde hair and blue eyes and look like an average boy. George and I didn't think that we'd see a boy with black hair and beautiful green eyes. We thought that this dude was someone who got transported here by accident - that he'd gotten hold of the handball before the Stoll brother's intended target. But when he pranked us? That's when we knew. He was strong, smart and mischievous. The perfect pranking rival.

George and I figured that we'd learn about this kid by playing truth or dare with him. That way, we can embarrass him and figure out exactly how good he was at pranking.

When we all sat down in the Gryffindor Common room, I looked at how Percy was eyeing us all suspiciously, like he knew what we were doing but couldn't figure out why.

"So, who wants to start?" Harry asked.

"I will!" Hermoine said. She turned to Percy. "Truth or dare?"

Percy thought for a moment. "Truth."

This would be easier than we thought.

"Describe your dream girl." Hermoine said simply.

Percy smiled slightly. "She has blonde hair and grey eyes that look intimidating but pretty at the same time. She has a natural tan and has a toned body. She's about 5 foot 9 and is super sporty."

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