It All Started With One Phone Call

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I was lying on my back in the middle of the dark road. Darkness has always been my favorite thing. I looked at the sky, which was little cloudy, the stars that stood out. I smiled because the memory came to my mind.

I was a little girl and I looked at the stars every night with my father. My father told stories about the stars and we made characters out of them.
I turned my head to the right when I heard a car approaching. My little smile got bigger. The car stopped and the woman ran out of the car. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "Are you okay?"

She was taking her phone when I used my speed and appeared behind her. The woman dropped her phone and looked at me shocked. "How did you do that?" She started screaming and started running.

"I love it when people scream and run away."

My eyes darkened and I followed her. I have to admit she is a fast runner I let her run until I surprised her and she flew to the ground screaming for help. "Stop yelling no one can hear you there is no one around." I rolled my eyes.

"W-what are you? H-how did you do that?" She was shaking with fear. "I'm your worst nightmare." I smiled and grabbed her by the hair and sunk my teeth into her neck.
I felt the liquid flowing and the satifation rose until I dripped the body and looked ahead.

I took care of the corpse and the car. Then continued my journey towards the center.

"Oh New York long time no see."

I walked along the street and more memories came to my mind. 1980s when I was having fun with my friend Damon. He was running away from his brother and we were having fun going through bars scaring people. We sat high on the roof of a skyscraper and drank bourbon.

I used my speed and I was high up looking at the lights of New york. My phone started ringing. Great who dares to disturb me I took out my phone and looked at the caller name.

"This is Madilyn's voicemail, I can't be reached at the moment, you know why, leave a message after the beep, maybe I'll call you back. Beep."

"Madilyn! I know it's you! I have something important for you."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Madilyn I need your help or we do.."

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