Back In The Days

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"Shall we go?" The person next to me said and extended hand

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"Shall we go?" The person next to me said and extended hand. I took a hand and we entered in masquerade. I looked around and saw Stefan and Damon further away.

"Did you really say you weren't going to come here and yet here we are?"

"I can't take part in killing Katherine and they have a plan anyway, I want to see how this goes." I said taking a glass of champagne from the waiter and sipping it.

"There's that Bennet witch." The person next to me pointed at the witch and we watched her and Jeremy go upstairs. "What do you think is gonna happen?" The person asked. "I think Katherine has a plan after all." I said.

We walked out and looked at the crowd. "Katherine is here." I said nodding in the direction she came from. "I guess you're right about the plan, she has witch with her." We watched as Katherine talked to Matt, and Stefan arrived at her place. "Ugh drama begins."

We laughed and watched as Katherine talked to Stefan and killed some teenage girl in the process. We circled the crowd and followed the brothers and the plan. Caroline tricked Katherine into an upstairs room where Stefan and Damon were waiting to kill her.

"Something is happening." I said watching Jeremy run up the room. We listened to what he said and the person next to me grinned.

"I guess you were quite right about Katherine." I smiled. "This bitch has nine lives." We watched as Jeremy ran back out and we got closer and heard Elena and Bennet witch.

Bonnie ran inside to find the witch who had come with Katherine. I turned to look at the door behind which I heard a commotion. "Wait here." I said and walked into the room where the commotion was coming from. Matt and Tyler were fighting in the room. I went between them and held them both, Katherine has Matt under her spell. I pushed Taylor away and turned to look at Matt which was a mistake because the teenage girl attacked Taylor and the girl hit her head and fell to the floor.

"Oh boys." I said looking at the girl and Taylor's eyes which were shining yellow. At the same time, Caroline came into the room and ran over to Matt and looked at the situation. I went back to where I had come from and grabbed another glass of champagne and sipped it as I walked.

"The witch betrayed Katherine and Katherine is being taken to grave with a moonstone." The person said walking next to me eating a strawberry and raised a champagne glass.



The next day I read a magazine in peace on the couch. "So how was your evening and night?" Damon asked walking into the room. "It was nice, it was nice and quiet to be here, how did your plan go?" I replied putting the magazine aside and looked at Damon.

"A couple of problems came on the way, but bitch is in the grave and she won't get out of there." Damon said raising his whiskey glass with a tip. "That sounds good, too bad you didn't get to kill her." I said. "One day she'll get her due." Damon said.

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