Should I Not Have Come?

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There it stood, a most handsome boy who seems to be the same age as me. I looked at him from head to toe until my eyes locked on his red eyes. What the hell is going on here, I thought to myself.

"It would seem that young Madeleine is our Alec's soulmate." Aro said happily clapping his hands together.

"No!" Edward exclaimed.

Edward knows what Aro thinks, Madilyn as Alec's mate creates a weapon from her to make the Volturi invincible.

"No!" Edward shouted again and Aro turned to look at Edward.

"Can we get down to business?" Caius asked finally and Aro looked at me and Alec.

"We will deal with this later." Aro started then talking to Edward about Bella.

I wasn't paying attention. I thought about everything that had happened. I found my soulmate? But why I don't feel any pull? Sure Alec is good looking and attractive but shouldn't a vampire feel a connection?
Is it because of my witch side? I looked up and my eyes met Alec's eyes again, he was staring at me I can't say with what look, anger? Confusion? Maybe he doesn't want me as his soulmate. Whatever. There is a lot about my past anyway, I don't need that.

I came back to reality when Bella started screaming and Edward fell to the floor in pain, I looked next to Alec. There stood a blonde petite girl who stared at Edward with a wicked smile. Some guard was holding Bella and Alice tried to run to Edward but Demetri caught her.

Alice then looked at me and mouthed. "Do something." I rolled my eyes and looked at the event in front of me. Edward's pain stopped and the blonde girl looked at me angrily.

Aro realized the situation and signaled to Alec with his head, he was behind me and grabbed me by the neck. I could feel his breath on my ear and his lips brushed my neck to my ear.

"Stop that now." He whispered coldly.

I grabbed his hand that was on my neck and twisted it away from my neck. Alec grabbed my hands and I fought back.

"Stop fighting back." He said annoyed.

Alec looked me straight in the eyes and I disappeared into his red eyes which darkened in color. Why they darkened? So I stopped the spell and with that, Aro told Jane to try her gift on Bella.

And then it all happened Edward protested and Aro pointed at Felix. Then the Big Man and Edweirdo started fighting. A smile appeared on my face. I won't admit that I don't enjoy this vision. I laughed out loud a little and felt Alec's eyes on me.

I also realized how he was still holding me. His hard chest on my back and his other hand is on my neck. I have to admit that I enjoy this, his enchanting scent lingers in my nose. I sense Alec looking at me for a while.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I said with a grin on my face turning to glance at Alec who raised an eyebrow. I felt his body move a little and I smiled to myself.


I lost my temper and pushed Alec away from me.

"Enough now!" I shouted and everything stopped. Whoops. I stopped the event in front of me Edward was in the air with his speed and stayed in the air. Felix the big man was charging towards Edward. I looked around the stagnant room.

"You know I can destroy any of you with a snap of my fingers."

I sighed and ended the spell, Edward fell to the ground and Aro stared in shock. Then Alice spoke.

"Bella is going to be one of us I've seen it." She walked towards Aro and held out her hand which he immediately took.

"We will make sure this happens."

Aro looked around for a moment and Marcus spoke.

"You know what to do brother."

Aro let go of Alice's hand.

"Go." He said.

"Remember Volturi won't give another chance." Caius spoke glaring at the Cullens.

I turned around but Alec is standing in the way. I tried to dodge him but he still moved in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked, until Aro called me. "Madeleine come here, we have things to clear up."

Alice looked at me worriedly. I showed her to go, but she hesitated, but went. The doors closed and I turned to look at the three men in front of me.

"So what do we do for you?" Aro said.

I look at the blond king Caius, who is looking at me, I raised an eyebrow in annoyance and he did the same back. Aro clapped his hands together.

"You are Alec's soulmate, It would be really good if you stayed here." Aro said.

"You mean that she has to stay, she has no choice." Caius said and Aro showed him.

"It would be great if you could join us."

"Sorry but I'm not going to join you guys, I'm not going to be anyone's weapon to be used." I felt Alec move next to me, I turned to look him in the eyes.

"But I can still stay, but not as a weapon."

Before Aro could say anything Caius interrupted him.

"All right, that's good Demetri, show Madilyn her room." Then Caius left the room.

Aro stared confusedly at Marcus and he just shrugged his shoulders. Demetri motioned to me to follow him. I looked at Alec once more and he was already staring at me. We started to walk towards the doors, Demetri opened the doors and I stepped out.

We walked along a corridor with beautiful paintings on the walls. How big is this castle, I wondered in my mind.

"So you're a vampire and a witch?" Demetri asked breaking the silence.


"It's interesting, I've never in my long life met someone like that, though I had heard another vampires like you." He pointed to my eyes and I smiled a little.

"Maybe because I'm unique." I replied with a smile and he smiled back. We chatted and arrived at the door. Demetri opened the door and I entered the beautiful room.

"Wow." I said out loud.

The room had a wonderful old fashioned interior and a bed? I turned to look at the grinning Demetri, who noticed that I was looking at the bed.

"Yes, this is your room, that door over there is the bathroom and the other door is a walk in closet."

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